Au Pair Conecta Blog
Au Pair Conecta is a young and proactive company based in Seville, dedicated to services related to "cultural exchange" and "childcare". We are primarily focussing on our Au Pair programs, organizing Au Pair placements in host families in Spain an abroad.
Au Pair Conecta Blog
3y ago
Our offices are temporarily closed
We are currently unable to attend to the public in our offices in the center of Seville, but we continue to work. We only attend by appointment. Contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
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Au Pair Conecta Blog
6y ago
Are you placed in Seville? Come to Feria!02/05/2019Just right after Semana Santa (which we hope you enjoyed it!), the Feria de Abril of Sevilla is about to start. This year, it will be celebrated from Sunday 5th to 11th of May. We encourage you to go, as it is a very typical event from Sevilla that we are sure you will love!
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Au Pair Conecta Blog
6y ago
¡Ya se acerca la Semana Santa!12/04/2019Nos espera una semana muy importante en España, especialmente en Sevilla: la Semana Santa. Este año la Semana Santa comenzará el 7 de abril y se extenderá hasta el domingo 21, siendo la semana más importante la del domingo 14 al 21. La Semana Santa es una tradición muy importante en Sevilla y animamos a todos nuestros Au Pairs que están en la ciudad hispalense durante esta época a que la vivan como un sevillano más.
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