Some more comics experiments…
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
3y ago
Since Bitstrips disappeared back in 2016 or so, I’ve continued my search for an easy-to-use comics creation tool for those of the, uh, drawing inability persuasion. They still seem popular in the educational community and sometimes in the enterprise industry — where you might have talented people who know how to write but don’t know what to draw. There are still a few of those tools around. Currently, my favourite one is Pixton, which has a free version with horrible avatars (and uses Flash, which will be discontinued later this year) as well as a new-generation tool with vector graphics that more
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Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
3y ago
Soooooo I’ve been neglecting my ‘online presence’ for quite a while now… I do apologise for that! It has been a complex sequence of months with little spare time to do much… At my home office Since I last wrote on my blog, I’ve lived in four different apartments… moving three times in less than 10 months! I know, it sounds awful, but the only reason for those multiple moves was… bad timing! Let me explain briefly: after my dad died, I sold the tiny apartment where I used to live and moved back to the City (where all conveniences are available at the distance of a 5-minute walk — even public tr more
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No, you will *not* become a woman!
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
3y ago
Remember that saying? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. — The Duck Test You all know this classic example of inductive reasoning: based on a series of observed characteristics, we assume the most plausible explanation for them (the simplest theory that fits the facts), even if sometimes… we are wrong (for instance, a mallard looks, swims, and quacks like a duck but it is no duck — still, we would be right most of the time, and that’s the whole point. MtF transexuals will obviously argue the same way: if it looks lik more
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From the waist upwards [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Smiling for no reason [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Exhaling smoke [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Smoking at the veranda [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Outside at the veranda [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Slightly blurry in the hall [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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Waiting for my psychologist at the clinic [Flickr]
Sandra M. Lopes
by Sandra M. Lopes
5y ago
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