The Prickly Pilot's Wife
The Prickly Pilot's Wife is a lifestyle blog for those wanting to learn more uses for essential oils and about military spouse life.
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
4y ago
I vote for a culture-wide Valentine’s day swap >>> Skip the dozen long-stem roses for Valentine’s Day….and get Rose essential oil instead.
I realize I’m going to sound greedy. It’s true that Rose essential oil is really a LOT more than just a dozen roses. (It’s actually closer to 200,000 rose petals!!)
But let’s think of the practicality.
How USEFUL are a dozen long-stem roses? They die in a week (more if you are lucky). They smell nice and they certainly feel special. But that’s sort of it.
I vote that you, the husband reading this, gets your wife a bottle of Rose ess more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Do you ever have a friend or family member in need of essential oils but they don’t own any of their own yet? Here’s an idea: Be Kind, and let them borrow some of yours in a doTERRA Borrow Bag!
I have lots of oils and I love giving them to friends and family to use in their times of need. Yeah, it’s way better if they have their own. But sometimes you just don’t know you have a need until the need has risen.
In comes my doTERRA Borrow Bag!
I’ve put together a bag of a few basics for when my friends aren’t feeling quite their best and they need some environmental support.
What’s more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Listen up Ladies – this post is for you! I love to use Clary Sage Essential oil to promote calmness in my mind and body during restless nights or when dealing with stress.
Description of Clary Sage Essential Oil
With uses dating back to the Middle Ages, Clary Sage essential oil includes relaxing and soothing properties that help with rejuvenation and calming of the skin.
Clary Sage is a biennial or perennial herb that grows up to six feet in height. Also, Clary Sage is known for its calming properties and benefits to the skin.
The main chemical component of Clary Sage is linalyl a more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
One of my favorite types of food is Mexican! Which makes Cilantro Essential Oil perfect for me, and maybe it could help you out too!
Description of Cilantro Essential Oil
The culinary uses and additional benefits of Cilantro have been documented for centuries. Internal use of Cilantro promotes healthy digestion and supports healthy immune and nervous system functions.
Applied topically, Cilantro is very soothing and cooling to the skin, and it adds a fresh, herbal aroma to any essential oil blend when diffused. Cilantro’s culinary uses are endless, for instance, adding a flavorful t more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Is it safe to use Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils on kiddos? I personally think that it is safe, but guess what?? If you don’t agree, that’s 100% ok — there are alternatives! And that main alternative? Answer: Spearmint Essential Oil.
If a recipe or a protocol with essential oils calls for peppermint, but you want something a little gentler, you can pull out Spearmint. It covers a lot of the same issues but it’s not as harsh as the peppermint can feel sometimes.
Spearmint is a perennial plant that grows 11–40 inches tall and flourishes in temperate climates. It is widely used more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Like many other eighteen-year-olds, I’ll be headed off to College in August. Now, I will be attempting to bring ALL of my Essential Oils with me, but because I am moving across the United States and will be living in a dorm that might not be entirely possible. So, if I had to choose only TEN oils to bring with me it would be these.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is a catch-all when it comes to Essential Oils. That is why it is on this list. Whether I’ll be dealing with restless nights, seasonal threats, or just want to diffuse a calming oil this oil can help through it all.
Lemon Es more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Enjoy cooking and love essential oils? This Black Pepper Essential Oil is perfect for you! It spices up your recipes and also helps promote healthy circulation.
Black Pepper Essential Oil
Black Pepper is best known as a common cooking spice that enhances the flavor of foods, but its internal and topical benefits are equally noteworthy. This essential oil is high in molecules known for their antioxidant activity and as a result their ability to help ward off environmental threats.
Black Pepper promotes healthy circulation, but should be used with caution when applied topically due more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Think of the smelly things in your life: shoes, gym bags, diaper bag, trash can, refrigerator, dog bed, etc etc.
There are so many things in our lives that tend to create odor.
And where does that odor come from? BACTERIA.
So we need to Kick the Stink with something that addresses the ROOT of the stink. We need something that will PURIFY the issue.
This is where my homemade cleaners and odor neutralizers come in. I do NOT use products that just cover up the smell and I do not use products that contain harmful and toxic chemicals.
I make cleaning sprays that double more
The Prickly Pilot's Wife
5y ago
Known as the “queen of spices” in the cooking world, cardamom is a popular spice used around the globe in a variety of dishes. While cardamom is a flavorful, distinctive spice, the essential oil that comes from cardamom seeds has uses that reach far beyond the kitchen.
Description of Cardamom Essential Oil
With calming and soothing properties, Cardamom essential oil can, for example, ease digestion, promote feelings of clear breathing, alleviate stomach discomfort, and more.
This perennial is native to Southeast Asia and produces flavorful and aromatic seeds that have many uses more