Blue Planet II
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
Blue Planet II is a  Must-see for Everyone on Planet Earth I just finished watching the BBC’s Blue Planet II series and I want everyone alive to watch it!  If you know nothing of the over 2/3rds of our planet that is blue, then watching this complete series will reward you with obtaining the highest degree of appreciation possible for our wondrous oceans. Hopefully, the type of appreciation that Blue Planet II will elicit from you will be very similar to the “spirituality of nature” notion of appreciation that Native Americans and other cultures throughout history have had as the more
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Sea Port's Comments Concerning EPA’s Proposal to W...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
Sea Port's Comments Concerning EPA’s Proposal to Withdraw Proposed Clean Water Act Restrictions on Mining Activities in the Bristol Bay Watershed in Alaska Sea Port Products Corporation is in the business of providing healthy seafood for human consumption in the United States.  Through our many corporate Go Blue! initiatives, we demonstrate our responsibility to help sustain and improve the health of our world’s productive aquatic resources that we ultimately depend upon for our continued business success.  In short, in order to sell healthy seafood we need to have sustainably more
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The Escape of Farm Raised Atlantic Salmon in Puget...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
The Escape of Farm Raised Atlantic Salmon in Puget Sound Prompts Ignorant and Shortsighted Criticisms of Aquaculture The unfortunate mismanagement of an aquaculture facility on the waters of Puget Sound in the state of Washington that allowed thousands of Atlantic salmon to escape prompted some in the public to claim that aquaculture is a danger to our natural environment and its wildlife and that farmed seafood is unfit to eat. If these ignorant people would back up their criticisms by not ever eating beef, poultry, pork, and refrain from ice cream, then I could lend them just a teeny bit of more
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Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
         Supplier Acknowledgement of        Adherence to Sea Port’s Fair Labor              Practices Corporate Policy Sea Port’s Fair Labor Practices Corporate Policy: Sea Port is unequivocally against the exploitation of men, women, and children in the seafood industry and more broadly in the entire global economy.  It is our corporate policy to refuse to deal with entities that are engaged in any form of worke more
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In 2017, Let’s Boldly Proclaim the Essential Impor...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
In 2017, Let’s Boldly Proclaim the Essential Importance of Farm Raised Seafood for Now and for Our Future Recently in the media, the seafood category of farm raised Chinese shrimp has been dragged through the mudhole of modern day sensationalism and it has effectively painted, with a broad brush, the entire farm raised seafood industry as something to avoid and be repulsed by. This type of attention getting media that focuses upon the unacceptable farming and selling practices of a very few bad apples unfortunately tends to spoil the entirety of our rapidly improving aquaculture industry that more
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Traceability Advances Sea Port’s Go Blue!® Seafood...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
Traceability Advances Sea Port’s Go Blue!® Seafood Sustainability Goal for Wild Caught and Farm Raised Seafood Update as of 12-06-16: Our “Traceability Declaration” requirement will now directly address Child Labor, Forced Labor, and other forms of Unfair Labor Practices within all the related supply chains associated with the production of wild caught and farm raised seafood. Our unending corporate goal at Sea Port to advance all our seafood items towards becoming more environmentally and socioeconomically sustainable is embodied in our Go Blue!® Seafood Sustainability Spectrum.  Advan more
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It’s Time to Reform the Hawaiian Longline Fishing ...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
It’s Time to Reform the Hawaiian Longline Fishing Sector’s Use of Undocumented Workers Seven to eight hundred undocumented foreign workers are currently used by the Hawaiian longline fishing fleet that catches primarily tuna and swordfish and these workers lack basic fair labor protections due to a federal loophole that was engineered by past Hawaiian congressmen.   It is now time to quickly reform this practice because the workers’ pay is typically much less than federal minimum wage, they cannot set foot on U.S. soil, and they are at very high risk of suffering all the abuses that more
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The Increasing Availability of 4 Star BAP Certifi...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
The Increasing Availability of 4 Star BAP Certified Shrimp Sea Port is continuing to advance the environmental and social sustainability of farm raised shrimp by seeking to offer 4 Star BAP Certified Shrimp as they start becoming more available in the market place. For years Sea Port has been a proud governing member of the Global Aquaculture Alliance that operates the BAP (best aquaculture practices) certification program. Explanation of the BAP Star certification system: Each Star certifies that a specific supply chain activity for producing farmed raised shrimp is done with the more
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Let’s All Go Blue! During NATIONAL October Seafood...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
Let’s All Go Blue! During NATIONAL October Seafood Month Within the last couple of years, “Sustainable global seafood production” has emerged as the world’s “poster child” for advancing the environmental stewardship of our precious blue planet. During this October National Seafood Month, how can you contribute to this critical campaign? The answer:  Simply commit to eat at least two responsibly sourced seafood meals/week for the month of October (and beyond). Sea Port’s Go Blue! Initiative has always championed the consumption of seafood to promote sustainability and environmental ste more
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NFI Launches “Dish on Fish” Social Media Channels ...
Go Blue! Seafood Sustainability
3y ago
NFI Launches “Dish on Fish” Social Media Channels to Promote Seafood Consumption Please visit these social media channels to help drive seafood consumption: 1.        Dish on Fish Blog 2.        Dish on Fish Facebook Page 3.        Dish on Fish Pinterest 4.        Dish on Fish Twitter Sea Port enthusiastically encourages all customers, suppliers, and consumers to promote these NFI (National Fisheries Institute) social media channels to assist in promoti more
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