5 Simple Strategies for Teacher Parent Communication
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
2y ago
We both know that teacher parent communication although challenging at times, is key to a successful school year! Research shows that the more parents and teachers share relevant information with each other, the better equipped they will be to help a child achieve… So, how can teachers communicate effectively with parents, and who really benefits from teacher parent communication? How to communicate with parents effectively? How can teachers communicate with parents without feeling overwhelmed? 1. Home Communicators Home communicators are folders of stapled student work (graded or not grad ..read more
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3 Ways to Teach the Distributive Property of Multiplication
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
3y ago
The distributive property of multiplication is just one of those math topics that 3rd graders struggle with. And you know what that means … it’s a frustrating topic to teach! For years I remember dreading the lesson on the distributive property of multiplication because I knew what was coming It seemed like no matter what I tried, my students just weren’t getting it! That all changed once I introduced my kids to the Distributive Doctor + started implementing a 3 step approach known as CRA. What is CRA? Concrete Representational Abstract or CRA is an instructional approach that begins with ..read more
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Refraction of Light Experiment
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
4y ago
Ever looked at a straw in a cup of water and wonder why it looks bigger and appears to be bent? Or look at something underwater and wondered why it looks so big? These are all a result of the bending of light or refraction. In today’s science experiment on the refraction of light, we’re going to take a closer look at how light bends. What is refraction? Refraction is the bending of light. This occurs when light travels through one material to another (ex: air, water, etc…) Unlike objects that reflect, objects that refract light look different. For example, when looking at a glass of water w ..read more
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How To Write a Paragraph
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
4y ago
Teaching students how to write a paragraph is not an easy task! Especially since many children struggle to put their thoughts down on paper. Let’s just face it… not all children are born writers! That’s exactly why when teaching paragraph writing, I feel it’s best to break the writing process into easy to follow steps. Let’s dive right into how to teach paragraph writing … 6 Steps to Teach paragraph writing 1. Understand the Prompt Before students can start writing a paragraph, they need to understand the prompt. They need to identify the topic they’re going to write about and the purpose f ..read more
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5 Tips On How To Teach Fractions
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
4y ago
Teaching fractions is not an easy task! We know that it’s a topic that year after year, students struggle with. It’s like teaching about the distributive property or elapsed time … We dread when those units come up in our curriculum guides. So what is it about the teaching of fractions that we can do differently so our students don’t ride the struggle bus? Let’s start by understanding… Why are fractions so difficult? When kids are in kindergarten they learn how to count 1, 2, 3. They also learn that 1 means 1 of something like… 1 apple or 1 block. They learn that each whole number represents ..read more
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Understanding Fractions On A Number Line
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
5y ago
Helping students develop an understanding of fractions on a number line, is not an easy task. That’s exactly why I like to infuse some hands-on activities + fraction fun into our lessons According to the Common Core Standards, 3rd graders must “develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.” They must also understand a fraction as a number on a number line, and be able to represent fractions on a number line diagram. Students that do not develop a solid foundation on fractions will struggle with measurement. Especially, when measuring to the nearest inch or quarter-inch with a ruler ..read more
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How To Teach Science Effectively
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
5y ago
  Teaching science can be tricky… I mean it’s such an abstract concept for our kiddos. It also doesn’t help, if our textbooks are not exactly kid-friendly…  and let’s not even mention science labs. Who has time for them, right So how do we start the year off right? How do we hook our kids into loving science?  And how do we manage labs so we can actually conduct experiments without going crazy?       Instead of diving right into a new unit when kids return from summer break, I think it’s important to take time to cover a few basics. This will establish a strong ..read more
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4th of July Density Science Experiment
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
5y ago
Who doesn’t love 4th of July fireworks? And when you can combine that with some science fun that’s a total win in my book! It doesn’t matter if it’s the 4th of July or not, this science experiment for kids is sure to have them oohing and ahhhhing the same way they do when they watch real fireworks. The best part about these fireworks is that you don’t have to worry if it’s day or night time, or if it’s sunny or rainy outside. With this science demonstration you can bring the fireworks right inside your house. The best part is that you probably already have everything you need right in your kit ..read more
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Videos You Should Be Using Throughout Your Plant Unit
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
5y ago
Teaching about how seeds and plants grow is actually one of my favorite Springtime topics! It lends itself to a lot of hands-on activities and great read-aloud books. The best part is that it’s usually after all of our state testing has concluded. You know what that means… it’s time to enjoy the last half of the school year. And what better way to do that, than by diving deep into PLANTS      In this post, I share a few kid-friendly science videos that I like to use with my own students. I’m sure your kiddos are like mine, and LOVE watching science videos too! Just so you know ..read more
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Read Aloud Books for Teaching About Plants
More Time 2 Teach Blog
by Melissa
5y ago
One of my favorite science units to teach in the spring is my All About Plant Unit! I can’t help it… I just love a good read aloud for teaching about plants, and it has nothing to do with my love for plants or gardening. As a matter of fact, if I’m being honest, I have a black thumb  You see I can’t even keep a poor cactus alive #sadreality   I do, however, enjoy my students love for all things nature + having a kid-friendly book list to use is important! That’s why I’m sharing 6 of my favorite books for teaching about plants and seeds to elementary students.  Rea ..read more
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