Zero Waste Home
Hi there and thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Bea Johnson, native of France and currently living in Mill Valley, California. Since adopting the Zero Waste lifestyle in 2008, my life and that of my family have changed for the better. I propose a simple guideline, my 5R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot.
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
Ever wondered what I take with me when I travel?
In this video, I share the contents of my travel bag for a short trip overseas -links below.
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Zero Waste Home
4y ago
A while back, I answered the questions of a French-Canadian writer. I thought they complemented what I already covered in my book beautifully, and were worth sharing with you. So here is a translated, adapted and updated version of that interview.
Travelling in Croatia
How can one adapt your 5R philosophy to travel?
Whether we’re home or away, our efforts focus on my first 3 R’s, since they prevent waste (i.e, those items meant for the landfill and those that are recyclable).
Refuse : Refusing allows you to curb the demand for (and therefore the creatio ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
Just a little update between tours, to give you a recap of my last one: a 17 day race through 16 countries.
As you can imagine, the journey involved lots of travel but it was well worth the carbon footprint given the size of my events, the attention that they received from national media, and the momentum they created along the way. They will for sure have a significant impact in growing the zero waste lifestyle movement further!
Here is a little scrapbook of some of the people and the things I experienced ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
In my home town, where I grocery shop, I am known as the jar lady. I hold the title with great pride. We own 100 of them. But we’re not talking about a mismatched collection of pickle and mayo containers here: I exclusively use French canning jars.
My love affair for Le Parfait, goes way back. Like most Frenchies, I hold a nostalgic connotation to the brand. Growing up in the South of France, I watched my mom, grandmother, and great grandmother use these jars for canning all sort of things: pears, green beans, jams, tomato sauce, pate, headcheese, you name it. Before freezing methods ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
Remember Lauriane, who after reading my book decided to launch a mobile shop to sell bulk at farmer’s markets in the South of France?
Well, I recently gave her a surprise visit! And I took pictures that I have been dying to share with you!
I found her mobile store a great example of the ingenious ideas that have emerged with the zero waste lifestyle movement. I already gave a tour on Instagram via Insta Stories, but I wanted to make sure that you got one too: Her work is so important and worth replicating worldwide.
photo credit: Au Poids Chiche
photo credit: Au Poids Chiche ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
Speaking tours allow me to spread the lifestyle worldwide but each stop brings me so much more!
The people I meet, the places I visit, the food I try, the things I learn…
In Japan, I autographed the Japanese version of my book, experimented with their automated bidets and savored the quality of sushi you can’t get at home. In Thailand, I read Buddha, learned to ride a motorcycle, and ran through fields with only thunderstorm lightning to lead me back to my hotel in the darkness after my talk (Thank you Googlemaps). In Taipei, I celebrated the launch of the traditional Chinese v ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
Zero Waste Store Cape Town
As you might recall, I went on tour in South Africa this past May. I never know for sure if my talks will have an impact where I speak, but I can proudly report that zero waste has since taken off there! And bulk stores are sprouting. To tell you more about it, I give the pen to the wonderful Colleen Black at A life Lived simply, without whom this tour wouldn’t have been possible in the first place!
Thanks for your generosity and work spreading waste-free living, Colleen!
“Near on 6 months ago, Bea Johnson came to South Africa. It took a ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
With a full house and an enthused audience at my talk in Dublin this past March, I could tell that Zero Waste had a good chance of taking off in Ireland. What I did not foresee is the speed at which alternatives would come into place after my visit. To tell you more about it, I give the voice to Laura Cahill (right, on the photo below), member of ZeroWasteIreland FB group.
I cannot count the amount of times I looked at a picture of a zero-waste shop on the Internet wishing we had such facilities here in Ireland. On holidays abroad, I would be standing in a market bristling with unpackaged ..read more
Zero Waste Home
4y ago
In this video, I show you a simple trick to making herb infused water in a bottle.
Links related to this video:
Flip Top Bottle: http://amzn.to/2uPNxCT
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Zero Waste Home
4y ago
When I come back from any trip, my (secondhand) smartphone’s storage maxed out with photos, I like to wait a couple of weeks before going through them. With a rested mind and digested memories, I always seem to read my photographs with a different eye.
But this time is different.
Looking at the pictures that I took in May of my speaking tour in South Africa and Mauritius, does not change my point of view at all: Every second of my trip felt like a dream as I lived it. And when I look at my photos today, it still feels like one!
Let me show you what I mean…
With a two-day journey ..read more