Civic Blogger
Civic Blogger is about sharing information on Planning, citizen engagement, design, and organizational development. This is not about simply informing Planners, Politicians & the Public, but empowerment with tools that can steer outcomes authored by Robert Voigt. He is often invited speak at local, national and international events on urban design, community engagement and active transportation.
Civic Blogger
3y ago
I have finally launched my podcast, Protopia.
Protopia is a collection of conversations with people that are envisioning a better world, and making it our new reality. We will be talking about successes and failures, next steps, and first steps, inspirations and journeys. It is time for less words and more action.
Hope you enjoy it ..read more
Civic Blogger
4y ago
I had the pleasure of joining Dat Huynh from QuadReal on his IN Real Time podcast the other week.
We explored the topics of land lease developments, attainable housing, and the importance of supporting the sense of community in new developments.
  ..read more
Civic Blogger
4y ago
Here is an infographic to help your town or city in adapting its streets & public realm to address CV-19.
If done right, you can carefully change your main street and retail corridors with landscape interventions as framework to support public health, foster safe and accessible pedestrian movement, ease social distancing, support comfortable local shopping, and provide for safe access to the out of doors for all.
Community Commons by robert voigt on Scribd ..read more
Civic Blogger
5y ago
My latest article for Y Magazine, on "Missing Middle" housing.
There's Something Missing: Addressing the Attainable Housing Challenge by robert voigt on Scribd ..read more