What if Adding Joy to Your Days Was Simple and Inexpensive?
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
1w ago
When I ask my husband, Andy, what he wants to do to celebrate his birthday, he replies, “Let’s go on a picnic.” It’s winter. An icy wind has been blowing for days. It’s not ideal picnic weather, but does that matter? No. We’ll be brave and gritty. We’ll face the adverse weather together. We’ll be adventurous. “What picnic food would you like to eat?” I ask. “Let’s fill a thermos flask with tomato soup and have rolls with cheese.” Years ago, before Andy and I had children, we’d spend our winter weekends bushwalking in the national parks around Sydney. And The post What if Adding Joy to Your D ..read more
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The Art of Conversation and Lifelong Learning
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
1w ago
Everyone has a story to share. Everyone is interesting. Unschoolers and hosts of the Self Directed podcast, Jesper and Cecilie Conrad, roam the world seeing spectacular sights, but the real heart of their travels is the people they meet. As Cecilie says, “People are the adventure.” I once read that to be interesting, we need to be interested in others. And that’s what makes the Conrads’ podcast so good. Jesper and Cecilie are interested hosts who want to know more about their guests. Before my first podcast conversation with the Conrads, I emailed Jesper, asking him for a list of The post Th ..read more
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Stories of Awful Hair Styles and Inspector Morse
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
1M ago
I’ve been watching Inspector Morse, an old TV series, starring John Thaw. My dad was a great Morse fan. I contributed to his Morse DVD collection, buying him a new series for some of his birthdays. I knew my dad enjoyed this crime series but never wondered what exactly it was that attracted him to it. It didn’t occur to me to find out. I failed to say, “Hey, Dad, what is it about Morse that you like?” Months after my father’s death, I’m watching Inspector Morse and finding out for myself. I’m currently working my way through series five. The post Stories of Awful Hair Styles and Inspector Mo ..read more
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When We Don’t Know What to Do
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
1M ago
I’ve just updated my blog. I started at the first post I ever wrote and then worked my way through 14 years of stories, reading each one before deciding whether to keep it or revert it to draft. I then checked the formatting of the retained posts, rearranging paragraphs, eliminating dead links, and changing or improving the images. As I worked on my blog, rereading the posts, I slowly moved forward in time. When I created this blog, my youngest child was just old enough to be registered as a homeschooler. Now, she’s a young adult supporting herself. Watching my The post When We Don’t Know Wh ..read more
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Intuition and Independence: Unschooling Tips and Practical Advice
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
1M ago
What do we do if a child refuses to brush her teeth? What if our kids choose not to wash their hair or shower their bodies? Personal hygiene is important, isn’t it? Without self care, our kids might develop cavities. They could end up not being accepted by other people. Should we insist our children bring their own dirty cups back to the kitchen? If we don’t, will they fail to learn responsibility and consideration? Will they become self-centred and lazy? Cecilie and Jesper Conrad and I had a fabulous conversation for the Self Directed podcast discussing these questions and The post Intuition ..read more
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Unconditional Love: the Glue that Sticks Us Together
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
2M ago
I miss my Mother’s Day breakfast. My husband, Andy, and some of our adult kids enjoy coffee and pastries after the early Sunday Mass without me. I’m at home, a blanket drawn up to my chin with razor blades scratching my throat and a drum beating in my head: I’m unwell. Mother’s Days, like birthdays, can be full of expectations. We don’t expect to be sick. We want all our kids to remember us. Will they visit? Will they phone? Will they say, “I love you, Mum”? Do we expect to feel happy on this annual celebration of motherhood? Or The post Unconditional Love: the Glue that Sticks Us Together fi ..read more
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Why We Should Embrace Our Increasing Age
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
2M ago
Every time I celebrate a birthday, going up a number, I ponder ageing anew. How do I feel about getting older? Am I reluctant to admit my age? Or am I grateful to be who I am at the age I’ve reached? I once saw a sign saying, Experienced cars for sale. Of course, this is a novel way of selling secondhand vehicles. Secondhand conjures up images of something that’s not as good as it used to be. The value of a secondhand item has decreased. But experience? Is this something we value? What about people? Are we secondhand, our The post Why We Should Embrace Our Increasing Age first appeared on Sto ..read more
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Live a Radical Life of Unconditional Love
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
2M ago
Cecilie and Jesper Conrad invited me to be part of their Self Directed podcast, so I met them online, via Zoom, and I had a fabulous time recording episode 65 with them. After the interview, one of my daughters said, “How did it go, Mum?” and I replied, “I must have done okay because the Conrads have invited me to record a second episode with them!” That second conversation, episode 66 –  I’ve got back-to-back episodes on the Self Directed podcast! – is now live. What did we talk about this time? My favourite topic: unconditional love! The Podcast Details The post Live a Radical Life of ..read more
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Encouraging My Daughters and Other Women by Embracing My Age
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
3M ago
I was 58 on Christmas Day, 2019. If you do some real-life maths, you’ll soon work out how old I am today. There have been times when I haven’t wanted to admit my age and wished to appear younger than I am. Why? Did I fear no one would like me if they heard I was older than they were? Perhaps I thought I had to be young to be accepted and valued. But, bit by bit, I’ve come to terms with my age. I’m no longer afraid to declare how old I am. It’s hard work pretending to be The post Encouraging My Daughters and Other Women by Embracing My Age first appeared on Stories of an Unschooling Family ..read more
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An Unschool Conversation with Jesper and Cecilie Conrad on the Self Directed Podcast
Stories of an Unschooling Family
by Sue Elvis
3M ago
Remember how I was talking about pushing ourselves to do things outside our comfort zones? Well, I almost said no the first time someone invited me to discuss unschooling on their podcast because I didn’t want to put myself in an unfamiliar and possibly uncomfortable situation. I was confident talking about unschooling when recording my own podcasts: I was in control. I could stop, delete, and start again if the words didn’t flow. But what would happen if I had trouble finding the right words in a live conversation? I almost declined the interview invitation. It seemed safer to do The post An ..read more
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