The mission of the site is to inform the general public about green living and promote healthy alternatives to the mainstream by sampling products and publishing reviews.
5y ago
The reuse revolution is here! Carrying your own reusable straw and utensils is now the norm. With these positive actions of bringing your own, comes the difficulty of figuring out how to transport these items. Especially without them coming into contact with everyday germs. You wouldn’t just toss a fork into the bottom of your purse. If you do you hope it doesn’t come in contact with random coins you have floating around in there. Or a half eaten granola bar from last Tuesday. That’s why this organic cotton case for your to-go utensils is such a cleaver addition to your reusable arsenal.
Stra ..read more
5y ago
In this world of greenwashing and eco-friendly products that truly aren’t, it’s great to find a first aid product that is. PATCH adhesive bandages are plastic-free and 100% backyard compostable, something that traditional (fabric or plastic) adhesive bandages aren’t. Patch bandages also have an added benefit, 3 of the 4 products offered have included healing ingredients directly on the bandage.
Not Just Talk
To me these products are not greenwashing and are impressive because of their backyard ability to be 100% fully compostable in just 10 weeks. According to the company the bandage and the ..read more