Más que solo un proveedor: En el sitio con Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals
Everything Rad Blog
by Melody Warner
6M ago
Reading Time: 6 minutes read El siguiente contenido es exclusivamente promocional y no debe considerarse asesoramiento médico. Los clientes o empleados que expresaron sus puntos de vista, declaraciones u opiniones lo hicieron de manera voluntaria y no recibieron compensación alguna. Sus comentarios no deben interpretarse como hechos. Trabajar en el sector de la atención médica implica un sentimiento de orgullo y propósito. Incluso si no somos quienes salvamos vidas directamente, o los que trabajamos para protegerlas, nuestros productos y servicios contribuyen en una fuerza positiva en el mund ..read more
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More Than a Provider: On-Site with Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals
Everything Rad Blog
by Melody Warner
6M ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes read The following is intended for promotional purposes only and is not medical advice. Additionally, any views, statements, or opinions expressed by the speakers were made voluntarily by uncompensated customers or employees and should not be construed as factual. Working in healthcare comes with a sense of pride and purpose. Even if we’re not the ones directly saving lives—or working to protect them—our products and services help provide a positive force in the world. More often than not, this space is dedicated to sharing insights about radiography, demonstrating how ..read more
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Realizando a transição da radiografia analógica para a digital
Everything Rad Blog
by John Crowther
7M ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes read Quatro considerações para obter o máximo de benefícios, tanto para o fluxo de trabalho quanto para os resultados proporcionados aos pacientes Por Tasos Strouzos, presidente e gerente geral da Unidade de Negócios de Consumíveis da Carestream Health. As vantagens de migrar da aquisição de imagens analógicas para o raio X totalmente digital são bastante conhecidas. A radiografia digital (Digital Radiography, DR) pode ajudar a acelerar seu fluxo de trabalho de aquisição de imagens, aliviar a carga de trabalho de sua equipe e reduzir a dose para oferecer um padrão de at ..read more
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Llevar a cabo la transformación de la radiografía análoga a la digital
Everything Rad Blog
by Melody Warner
7M ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes read Cuatro consideraciones para obtener los máximos beneficios para el flujo de trabajo y los resultados de los pacientes Por Tasos Strouzos, presidente y gerente general, Unidad de Negocios de Consumibles , Carestream Health. Las ventajas de pasar de la imagen analógica a la radiografía totalmente digital son bien conocidas. La radiografía digital (DR) puede ayudar a acelerar el flujo de trabajo de obtención de imágenes, aliviar la carga de trabajo del personal y reducir la dosis para ofrecer un mayor nivel de atención. Aunque los beneficios de la radiografía digital ..read more
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Making the Transformation from Analog to Digital Radiography
Everything Rad Blog
by John Crowther
10M ago
Reading Time: 4 minutes read Four considerations to gain maximum benefits to workflow and patient outcomes By Tasos Strouzos, President and General Manager, Consumables Business Unit, Carestream Health. The benefits of moving from analog imaging to full digital X-ray are well known. Digital Radiography (DR) can help speed your imaging workflow, ease the workload on your staff, and reduce the dose to support a higher standard of care. Although the benefits of DR are obvious, the criteria for selecting a solution to transform your existing solutions may not be as apparent. There are notable diff ..read more
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3 AI-Based Technology Trends in Medical Imaging
Everything Rad Blog
by Kathleen Remis
10M ago
Reading Time: 4 minutes read Key takeaways from the 2023 RSNA Conference The topic of artificial intelligence technology trends in medical imaging was once again infused throughout sessions and on display in the exhibitor hall at the 2023 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) scientific assembly and annual meeting. The need for imaging modalities to support an earlier, more accurate diagnosis continues to drive AI applications in the medical imaging market. The size of the market for AI in medical imaging is experiencing phenomenal growth from $1.12 billion in 2022 to $27.52 billion by ..read more
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Top 3 Medical Imaging Insights from RSNA 2023
Everything Rad Blog
by Kathleen Remis
1y ago
Reading Time: 6 minutes read AI tools to put to work today; and strategies to address staffing issues and operational costs. This year’s annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) conference came at what felt like a pivotal moment in the medical imaging world. After three years primarily defined by the pandemic and its aftershocks, we are solidly in the post-pandemic phase. Yet medical imaging teams still face significant changes and pressures. How are radiology departments prioritizing these myriad challenges? And where are technology partners seeing the most powerful potential to he ..read more
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Reducción de Exposición y Dosis en la Radiología Médica.
Everything Rad Blog
by Kathleen Remis
1y ago
Reading Time: 9 minutes read Las soluciones de Carestream ayudan a mejorar los resultados clínicos y la seguridad del paciente. Un objetivo fundamental de los técnicos radiólogos es completar un examen de imágenes médicas que proporcione suficiente información para obtener un diagnóstico clínico preciso, con la dosis más baja posible. Afortunadamente, se han realizado importantes avances en la reducción de la exposición en la radiología digital sin sacrificar la calidad de la imagen. Continúe leyendo para conocer el conjunto de soluciones de Carestream que le ayudarán a mejorar la seguridad de ..read more
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Carestream Solutions to Advance and Enhance Medical Imaging
Everything Rad Blog
by Kathleen Remis
1y ago
Reading Time: 4 minutes read See them at RSNA 2023. We know it has been a stressful, challenging decade for medical imaging professionals. Carestream is here to help you navigate the turmoil, delivering solutions that help you create the best possible imaging experience for your staff and patients; improve clinical outcomes; and strengthen your financial health. Schedule a meeting with us at RSNA 2023 to learn how our solutions can help you advance and enhance medical imaging to help you meet your most important objectives. Enhancing the imaging experience for your staff and patients Your radi ..read more
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Cinco Recomendações para Obter Excelência na Aquisição de Imagens Pediátricas
Everything Rad Blog
by Kathleen Remis
1y ago
Reading Time: 13 minutes read Estratégias para aprimorar o desempenho em instituições de saúde de todos os portes. Por Dra. Lori Lee Barr, pesquisadora do American College of Radiology (ACR) e do American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), Radiology Associates of Florida, uma clínica afiliada à Radiology Partners. Se você trabalha com radiologia em uma instituição de saúde comunitária, a demanda pela aquisição de imagens pediátricas poderá ser baixa. Consequentemente, sua equipe terá menos experiência nesta especialidade. Sou a Dra. Lori Barr e atuo como radiologista pediátrica na Rad ..read more
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