Joshua Hoffine Horror - Behind The Scenes
by joshuahoffine
3y ago
This is my new photograph titled LAST STAND. It depicts a family about to be consumed by a horde of zombies. The star of the photo is A. Michael Baldwin from the classic Horror movie Phantasm (1979). The little girl is my niece Thea, who was also the baby in my photo SNAKE. The mom was played by Erica Kauffman. The other child victim was played by my daughter Sadie. We built our set at the 3rd St. Asylum Haunted House in Bonner Springs, Kansas.  My cousins Jerry and Steve Hoffine did all of the carpentry and construction. Bill Rose and his girlfriend Michelle stayed up late one nig more
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Joshua Hoffine Horror - Behind The Scenes
by joshuahoffine
3y ago
This is my new photo project titled JACK THE RIPPER. It is a 2-panel diptych. Put together, JACK THE RIPPER 1 & 2 depict the moments “just before” and “just after” a grisly alleyway murder. What makes Jack the Ripper so compelling is that nothing is factually known about him.  Because he was never caught, we have no information about who he was or why he committed his gruesome crimes.  We do not possess a historical or biographical portrait, but instead share a communally imagined idea of Jack the Ripper as an aristocratic predator.  As a boogeyman, he graphically symboliz more
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Joshua Hoffine Horror - Behind The Scenes
by joshuahoffine
3y ago
This is the third and final photograph from my new project titled PERSEPHONE. In Greek mythology, Persephone was a nature goddess who became Queen of the Underworld after being abducted by Hades.  When she is in the Underworld we experience winter.  And when she visits the world she brings with her spring, flowers, and the resurrection of life.  As both a Goddess of Spring, and the Queen of the Underworld – she exemplifies the tension between life and death. Rebekah Whitt played the part of Persephone, and her SPFX Make-up was done by Shawn Shelton with Bandersnatch Studios more
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Joshua Hoffine Horror - Behind The Scenes
by joshuahoffine
3y ago
This is a recent project I photographed for Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine called PICKMAN’S MASTERPIECE. This sequence of images is based on a 1927 short story by H.P. Lovecraft called Pickman’s Model.  I was attracted to this project because of the character of Pickman – who in Lovecraft’s mythology is a brilliant but marginalized artist notorious for his horrifying artwork.  Due to the graphic and disturbing nature of his work, he is shunned by his fellow artists. Pickman is my patron saint. I focused on the moment in the story when Pickman brings his last willing patron into more
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