Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
Hayley Stevens is a paranormal researcher who doesn't believe in the paranormal. Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience. She do this by using scientific scepticism and rational inquiry. Her blog, 'Hayley is a Ghost' documents her research and thoughts across these subjects.
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
2w ago
A skeptic paranormal researcher writes about the uncritical promotion of The Telepathy Tapes and the dangers this poses...
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Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
It’s that time of the year once again where I present to you, the unsuspecting public, the 5 worst ghosts caught on camera which made headlines during the past year. Fear not. These apparitions are not labelled as the ‘worst’ because they’re fearsome, terrifying, and probably going to eat your soul. No, they’re labelled the worst because they’re a bit naff and (spoiler alert) probably not ghosts at all. For those not in the know – I’m a paranormal researcher using scientific scepticism to solve spooky mysteries. I don’t believe in ghosts but I’m fascinated by paranormal encounters and have bee ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
Earlier this year, I was diagnosed as autistic. Shortly after my diagnosis results came through, I travelled to Manchester to attend QEDcon where I would be seeing many friends for the first time in years. It seemed that this QEDcon was the first one that many people were attending after taking a break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Talking to people throughout the weekend at the conference, it became clear that many people have been through the ASD diagnosis process, were going through it, or were in a place from which they are considering going down the route of diagnosis. That weekend at QED ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
Today, it has come to light that Claire Davy, the ex-secretary of the Association for Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena stood down against her own wishes. Davy was the 10th trustee (of 13) to leave since June 2024. Only 3 remain: Steve Parsons, Norie Miles, and Bill Eyre. Screenshots have been shared of an email sent from the Founder and Vice President of ASSAP, Hugh Pincott, about his plan for handling Claire Davy and another female ex-trustee, Dr Becky Smith. Pincott’s plan is so deeply misogynistic that I honestly thought it was satire to begin with, but it is genuine. I’ve included b ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
I stepped into the role of Deputy Loreperson when The Loremen were LIVE at the QEDcon in Manchester! In this episode, we meet roadside ghosts and road-adjacent spectres from across the UK (and beyond). Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? No, neither have we. And these modern legends might make you feel a bit better about it…
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Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
I was recently interviewed by stand up comedian, Jane Postlethwaite, for her Paranormal Queer Comedy podcast All The Terrible Things. I think it was hands down one of the most enjoyable podcast interviews I’ve ever done and this evident in the fact that we spoke for so long that the interview was released across two episodes! Listen to Episode 1: Listen to Episode 2: Jane has a open-minded, genuine curiosity about all things spooky and that shines through in the episodes where she chats about the paranormal with a range of guests. Previous episodes of the podcast include interview ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
YouTube is filled with low-quality videos of ghost hunters claiming to capture paranormal activity, often relying on poorly filmed or faked footage. As this trend has grown over the years, it has been accompanied by the rise of YouTube Debunkers, offering alternative explanations and debunking the so-called evidence presented by these ghost hunting channels. Beardo visits 30 East Drive In August 2024, the BeardoGetsScared debunking channel, shared a video of his ghost hunt at 30 East Drive, a UK site famed for its supposed poltergeist, the Black Monk of Pontefract. Curious to see a debunk ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
On September 9th I will be delivering an updated version of my public talk A Skeptic’s Guide to Ghost Hunting for the relaunch of Bristol Skeptics Society! It’s the first time I’ve delivered this talk in years, after recently graduating from The Open University. During the 7 years of study I had to focus my spare time on studying so delivering public talks was not always a possibility. As such, A Skeptic’s Guide to Ghost Hunting will be filled with new and updated material, offering fresher insights into the weird world of Ghost Hunting. It’ll also be where I debut the findings of my dissertat ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
3w ago
A group of Rotherham-based ghost hunters called Lost Souls Paranormal has approached the media to report that they’ve caught on camera a spooky reflection at a haunted museum, challenging anyone skeptical to visit for themselves. Yahoo News reports that the team, fronted by Darren Ross and Susan Booth, visited the “poltergeist house” in Rawmarsh on August 17 for an investigation. Darren Ross took several photos of an alleged haunted mirror and said he was shocked when he looked through the images at home. Upon inspecting the photos’ the group noticed that Susan’s face looked distorted in the r ..read more
Hayley is a Ghost Geek - 'When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.'
6M ago
Categories: Folklore & Forteana
Tags: folklorePanelsParanormalQEDconrecordingsSkepticism
Last year, I chaired a panel at QEDcon 2023 with Dr David Clarke, Deborah Hyde and Claire Klingenberg. We discussed the strange tales that have caught the imagination of people throughout history, and what those stories tell us about society’s hopes, fears and anxieties – both then, and now. Tickets for QED 2024 are available [...]
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