J Choate Basketry - News
J Choate Basketry have been crafting fine baskets for over twenty years. Jill breaks down elements on basket making by video demonstrating the techniques necessary to successfully weave up a variety of baskets.
J Choate Basketry - News
4M ago
There's SNOW in the forecast this morning! We're celebrating with FALL-ing prices on autumn themed kits.
Grab a kit, light the fire, sip on pumpkin spiced ANYTHING and create something beautiful.
20% off while they last. Grab yours ..read more
J Choate Basketry - News
7M ago
We're here to help you to the next basketry level! It may be that you've been making baskets for awhile or maybe you're just starting out on the over/under journey. Whatever the case may be we're offering a FREE BASKETRY BASIC LEARNING SERIES beginning on Wednesdays to assist you as you progress in basketry. Here's a preview of what we'll be offering - chicken feet base and how to weave one up. Got your interest piqued? CLICK BELOW to enter your email address to be notified for the next BASKETRY BASICS video and how you can access it.
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J Choate Basketry - News
8M ago
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J Choate Basketry - News
9M ago
We had a WHOLE BUNCH of reed dyed up for the Western Pleasure Basket Retreat but unfortunately the event was cancelled. Now we have a WHOLE BUNCH of dyed reed waiting to be sent to YOU. This dyed reed is in sizes #3 and #2RR predominantly but there is a bit of every size that will be added to your mystery box for a total of three pounds of reed in each box. All reed has been dyed with our commercial process, some reed has been layered with multiple colors. Our dyed reed retails from $50 to $60 per pound depending on the type of dye process involved.&n ..read more
J Choate Basketry - News
9M ago
Explore our wide selection of high-quality kits and enjoy a generous 30% discount for a limited time until Memorial Day. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer! Stock up on an assortment of your favorite kits and SAVE 30% off now through Memorial Day! LImited to stock on hand. CLICK BELOW for your automatic discounted price.
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J Choate Basketry - News
11M ago
We want YOU and your Jill Choate Basketry design basket too! We're giving away 30% discount coupons for those JCB enthusiasts that weave up one of our designs and decide to post it online. To be considered please post a photo with YOU and YOUR JCB design basket on J. Choate Basketry facebook page, a facebook basket group, or on instagram. Please make sure to tag us @jill choate or @jennah lucht so that we SEE your post. Please also hashtag #jillchoatebasketrydesigns on your photo. Remember if we don't see it we don't know it exists so PLEASE get our attention. We ..read more