Prussian Horse Artillery WIP1
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
 Just started the last of my Prussian artillery, this time AB horse artillery loading crew. These are some of my favourite Prussian figures, I'm guessing sculpted after the foot artillery as they look fresher. I had a little bother cleaning up a couple of the poses, the chap with the ramrod had quite thick flash between the ramrod and arms/body and the chap with the moving stick had a lump behind his left elbow that needed cut out, this was a pain as it covered a good bit of detail. I also added a shoulder strap on 1 pose, I can't remember if it was missing on the horse battery crew I more
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Prussian Artillery WIP 18.1.21
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
I managed to finish my guns. I don't think I'll bother highlighting the metalwork as I don't really think they need it to be honest. Managed to get the sand down on the last 2 bases so they are slowly slipping closer to completion. Be nice to have some more troops ticked off the work bench. Hope everyone is well, happy modelling and wargaming more
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More preparation work
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
I've managed to clean up 3 Prussian landwehr battalions from Old Glory (original OG not blue moon). They will be Pomeranians with white collars. Love these little figures, I've added variety with these guys as there are a number in each battalion that started life with a tall shako (probably seen mostly in the Waterloo campaign on landwehr figures?)  I've clipped off the shako tops and added flat cap covers with pro create. Not sure when I'll get the chance to paint them but they are pretty much ready to roll. Happy wargaming and modelling more
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Looking to the Future
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
In the background of my hobby life I've been quietly cleaning up my pretty large unpainted figure mountain. Every odd half hour I've picked up scalpel and files and progress has been good. So far I've managed to clean up and glue 2 regiments of Prussian hussars. A mix of figures purchased from a friend undercoated and from Fighting 15s. These will be Silesian in brown with yellow braid and green with yellow braid as I already have the Leib hussars plus brandenburg hussars painted up. I have always loved these charging hussars as they remind me of the many illustrations of the 1813 period hus more
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Prussian Artillery WIP 14.1.21
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
There is a chance I may bore the hell out of everyone with my constant posts of Prussian foot artillery by the time this lot are done. I'm afraid it's just my way of keeping tabs on my progress and these are a good few hours away from being completed. I managed to finished off my 4 big guns, got varnish on the centre section plus barrels of my 2nd set so just the wheels to complete them, set 3 are still in base coat only. It is, what it is, after the crew figures, guns are a wee but monotonous, however I'm still enjoying them.  I'm still unsure if I will do a highlight on the metalwor more
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Prussian Artillery WIP 13.1.21
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
Well it's been a helluva long time since I used my blogger account. I lost access to my blog many moons ago when I switched over from my old yahoo mail account after a few friends said they had, had funny emails from my account (I hadn't sent them), it was around the time yahoo was hacked. It coincided with me falling out of love with blogging as my wife and I had moved over to Samsung phones and tablet and for some reason the software to create/edit posts was sticky in them. A friend mentioned my old blog recently and it  after having a look I tried to figure out a way around things more
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20mm Russians for Barbarossa
Napoleonics in Miniature
4y ago
Some of my 20mm WW2 Russian kits for Barbarossa 1941. UM Models BT7s, BT2s and S-Models t35. I purchased an airbrush from my nephew David when we decided to get a new 1. It's been a while but it's been fun to spray kits again. I've been busily adding to my 20mm collection over the past year more
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