At the age of 40 I decided to become a mom, even though I was not in a relationship.... these are my stories of how I got here, the bad dates I used to have, and how it is to be mom solo.
4y ago
My new piece on Esme
I’m so exited to be a contributing writer for the solo mom website: Esme
PS I won a blogging award from Feedspot and I’m having trouble posting my award badge (see right) Anyone know what I’m doing wrong ..read more
4y ago
Hello Mom Solo friends!!
I know! It’s been a while… How are you???
I haven’t been blogging here, but I’ve been writing!
Please check out my latest article for Esme and be sure to give it a like (if you like it!!)
Thank you ..read more
4y ago
This is your first of many graduation days.
Change is hard. It’s hard to leave and say goodbyes and hard to know that nothing will be the same. We always hope for the next step to be even better than the one we left – but as a woman who has lived a while, I will tell you that sometimes it is not.
I’ve tried to cherish every moment of your preschool. I’ve forsaken most of everything to be there. I’ve turned down auditions and jobs. I’ve learned how to stretch a dollar and a credit card to be able to see your growth and your innocence. I’ve read hundreds of picture books, found homes for countle ..read more
4y ago
I found a lovely drawing in Spense’s school bag; a girl and boy holding hands with hearts all around them.
“This is so sweet, Spense. Who is it from?”
“Oh, I don’t want that any more.”
“Because it’s from Ellie. And I breaked up with her.”
“Why did you break up with her?”
“Because Sam is back. And he’s my best friend.”
Sam had been out of town for a while.
“So you can’t have a best friend and a wife? Or just two friends? That seems silly because actually you have so many friends.”
He just shook his head.
“You didn’t tell Ellie you broke up with her, did you?”
“Because that would hu ..read more
4y ago
S: Oh my penis!
Me: What happened? Did you bump into something?
S: My penis.
Me: But did you hurt your penis.
S: Yes, right here. (he points to his penis)
Me: where did you bump it?
S: Right here. (He points to his penis.)
Me: Yes, but what did you bump it on?
S: Here. (he points to his penis)
Me: But did you bump it on the wall here (I point to the door frame he’d just walked by) or something else?
S: I bumped it here (He points to his penis.)
Me: When did you last go to the bath room?
S: What do you mean?
Me: I mean, was the last time you went to the bathroom?
S: What do you mean?
Me: I ..read more
4y ago
For the last six years, I’ve only had a few crushes. And when I have them, it feels weird. It feels like taking love and energy away from being a mom. From my boy.
It makes me wonder about how conventional family moms split their love. They have to allow time and space for mom love and romantic love. I think that’s more of a skill than we realize.
I have it easy. I only have to give my love to one person in my family. One kind of love to one little heart.
But as my boy gets older, I wonder… can I do it? Am I ready to let in a crush or more? I’m not that single available woman I was for so long ..read more
4y ago
I’m very excited to share my interview on Atomic Moms Podcast!
If you’ve never heard this podcast, you are in for a treat! Incredible, strong moms share their lives and philosophies. I think that after you listen to my interview ( ) you will love going through previous podcasts and learning so many amazing things….
If you go down the list of past guests, you will see, I’m in AMAZING company here. So excited and honored to be a part of it!
“Mom Solo” Evie Peck was nearing forty when she decided to start a family on her own. She discusses her choice to become a single mother with host Ellie Kna ..read more
4y ago
A lot of people know how I got to be a Mom Solo. It’s no secret. I’m not shy about it.
When new acquaintances ask, “do you mind if I ask how…” I always explain.
But it’s weird when I have a brief encounter – like today- buying a karate gee for Spense… I mentioned Spense’s dad, and the merchant made a sad face and whispered, “Are you separated?”
“No!” I laughed, “We are best friends.”
I realized that didn’t explain anything and I didn’t really need to. I don’t have to give all the details to everyone.
I was trying to think of a quick, low effort way to accurately describe us; we were ..read more
4y ago
Spense got a Thor doll from my friend Nancy. I lost his hammer.
Well, here’s what happened – we were getting out of the car and I was holding 4 bags, juggling keys and almost empty cans of seltzer water to recycle when Spense said, “Mom, hold this,” and slipped the hammer into my hand. I remember thinking the addition of that tiny hammer was making all the carrying so much harder. I remember putting that hammer somewhere and feeling a large sense of relief that my fingers were less encumbered. But I don’t remember where I put that little weapon that is Thor’s identity – his everything.
I shoul ..read more