Crewing my ex for 200 miles
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
Is a terrible idea… or at least I thought it would be. I made a comment a month ago out of the blue “well if you want the best crew around, Tag and I are free” which was met with silence, not even a laugh. A couple of days later I got a text “were you serious about crewing me for Tahoe” Not even a question mark, I hate a lack of punctuation (insert joke about how I use too much punctuation). “sure” That’s all I had in an answer… was I serious? I don’t think I even knew. I read (aka listened to) Shanda Rhimes “Year of Yes” and made a mental note to say yes to any and all adventures that came my more
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Bad Activity parent
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
I’ve written about being a terrible park mom— These days I’m begining to notice I am a terrible “activities mom” I often don’t stay and watch- I have stuff to do. I don’t try and fix them- That’s the coaches job. When I am there I’m usually doing something else- Life In the middle of my amazing busy day I stopped to grab food and headed to the barn to pick up my rider. As I dilly-dallied walking in I found it odd my daughter’s horse was in the walker already… Two parents looking extremely upset “Did Teagan call you??” Me, looking very confused “nope” And they precede to tell me about her terri more
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Slowing down.
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
I have this thing with always trying to make every trip as epic as possible. I need to go all the places, do all the things, and end up stressed about not doing enough… Having a 2-year-old is a great reminder to just slow it down. On a recent Mommy and Me trip so southern California we took the toddler pace and had a blast! With one big trek up a snow covered San Jacinto Peak and a lot of tiny hikes on tiny legs we had a great time connecting with each other and taking things slow more
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The Flow Chart of My Family
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
I met all the kids, their Dad and their step-mom a super funky vegan restaurant for lunch. It is the kind of place that woman have body hair and my son with dreads is the “norm”. Not the kind of place I expect my family to be the “odd ones out”… As we are siting having lunch I heard people behind us trying to “place” all the children- “Well those blondes are theirs (referring to my ex and I)” “That one (pointing at Tennyson) must be hers (pointing at their step mom)” Later on Tay was holding the baby and they asked “do you think the baby will have red hair?” clearly trying to put together if T more
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Dear Assholes of the Mountain,
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
While I believe there are many assholes of the mountain, I am only going to focus on a few. I don’t have time to write a book… maybe I should write a book? I preach the gospel of spending time in nature. I am the for most advocate of getting your kids outside and having epic adventures with them. But, let’s be smart people. In the heart of Phoenix we have Camelback Mountain. Per Strava, it is 2.2 miles round trip with 1,877 feet of gain. Yes, it is a beast! And while my training is calling for 10,000 feet of climbing or more per week, it is my new best friend. With this friendship ha more
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Road trips with a potty trained nursing toddler…
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
This summer Tag (17 months) has spent close to 4,000 miles in the car. We have adventured around Disneyland and gone back and forth multiple times to the San Juan mountains. I’ve done my best to make most of those miles during sleeping hours for Tag, but there have also been many hours in the car while he is awake. Tag has been such a trooper! Probably 1/4 of our road tripping miles were spent with my other Littles in the car, which actually made things much worse! Tag wanted to play having them there and sleep was much more difficult for him. One evening drive was probably the worst I have he more
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My Revenge Body
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
Apparently that’s a thing? I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on how in shape I am lately. True to what we are taught as young girls I was struggling with taking the compliments. I would qualify it “yeah I mean, I could still lose some here”, but slowly and with practice I’ve started to simply say “thank you”. This is by far the best running shape I have been in in years, and I am very happy with how my body is performing. But the other day the compliment was not one I was willing at accept… “your revenge body looks great” Umm… excuse me? If this is a revenge body, doesn’t that imply I am more
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My Kids Hate hiking
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
It’s that time of year again! My kids and I head out on some awesome Mommy and kid adventures: me smiling from ear to ear with pride, them skipping their way up mountains all day. I mean, that is what my social media shows after all! And for some reason that was what  I was expecting… I have two tweens, and they happen to be two of my most opinionated children I own. Apparently they thought going to Silverton Colorado this year was going to be a lot of walking around town, hanging out at the library, and eating candy. Ummm?? Have they met their Mom?? My oldest is out-of-town so it was jus more
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To the Lady pathetically forcing her kid to clean up blocks at the library:
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
Just stop. Seriously. Your half hearted “we are going to go potty then clean up the blocks” to your not even 3 year old was pointless. What value is there TO HIM in cleaning up the blocks? So now he went potty and YOU are cleaning the blocks. Every so often you chase him down, tell him sternly “we are cleaning the blocks” – to which he laughs- then you go back to cleaning the blocks yourself… in silence… and he goes back to running around in pure joy. My 14-month-old is watching, taking it all in, that’s what bothers me the most. He doesn’t understand this angry Mom, silent to her little one t more
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When you make a promise…
Seven Wild And Free
by sevenwildandfree
4y ago
My children are trying to marry me off… Tea (11) “you promised me you were going to get married Tajh (13) “We have a list” And they proceeded to give me the list. On it is a loud, foul mouthed “older” gentleman. My friend, a partner in crime, one of their favorite people. Not someone looking for a wife and 6 kids, someone looking to be free, and drunk. Another friend of a friend made the list. Not someone who is “stable” or to “normal”, but someone who is kind and the kids love. The rest of the list is either people who I don’t really know (including some of their teachers) and people already more
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