Single Mom Out Loud
The joys (and desperation) of raising a boy without a man.
Single Mom Out Loud
2y ago
Dear son:
Not everyone is going to like you. Not even family. It’s okay. The ones that matter, love you more than everything in this world.
Not everyone is going to invite you. That’s okay too.
Be kind to animals. Even if you don’t like them.
If you constantly have to tiptoe around them, they’re not your people.
If you choose someone, make sure they choose you back.
Money means nothing if you don’t have people who love you to share it with.
Tip. Anyone who is serving you. No exceptions.
Listen. That’s different than hearing just to reply, or worse, to win the argument.
If you want people to b ..read more
Single Mom Out Loud
5y ago
I’ve held tight to someone I loved for fear of losing him; I’ve lost him because I’ve held on too tight. I’ve held a stranger’s hand because I was terrified and I’ve been so terrified that I couldn’t even feel my hands.
I’ve obsessed on others to avoid my problems. I’ve created bigger problems because of my obsession.
I’ve been betrayed by someone who I thought was my soul mate. I’ve betrayed him as well.
I’ve broken the law and I’ve let the law break me.
I’ve believed in perfect relationships and I’ve found out they don’t exist.
I’ve manipulated and regretted it; I’ve been honest and also reg ..read more
Single Mom Out Loud
5y ago
Perhaps we need to be broken first before we can finally become whole.
Painful love is the worst kind of heartbreak. It’s the one we had such high hopes for, the one we gambled everything for—only to find it was a bet that would never be won.
So we break into a million small pieces of ourselves and wonder how we could have gotten it so wrong.
We make mistakes in love.
We choose people based on the lessons that our souls need to learn without realizing that it’s usually those difficult lessons we need to experience the most.
We can’t be changed by ease and we can’t have our minds broken open ..read more
Single Mom Out Loud
6y ago
“It’s a tale…Told by an idiot…Full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”- Shakespeare
The quote above is from The Tragedy of Macbeth, one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare. This week it just popped into my mind over and over again.
Life is a trip. It really is. Most of the time our lives are narrated and judged by imbeciles who have no idea what they are talking about. Their judgement is full of loud words and anger and in the end it really means nothing. And it doesn’t seize to amaze me how quickly things can change. Marriages dissolve, family members die, and friendships end. We lose pe ..read more