Whooo's Reading Blog
Learn how to use technology, common core and reading to create better learning opportunities for your students. Find new ideas and tips for teachers who use technology in the classroom.
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
This year has put elevated pressure on teachers and schools. They are torn between the task of delivering education to their students remotely, while at the same time avoiding cybersecurity risks and venturing into a largely unknown territory of apps. This has to be done while still catering to individual students’ needs and backgrounds. It ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
Even if you’re not a parent or educator, if you spend any time paying attention to the news, you’ve probably been inundated with the discussion of “micro-schools” and “pandemic pods.” You might be wondering what’s to these new ideas, and are they even new? Here’s everything you need to know about what’s going on in ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
To homeschool your child is a major job. It is up to you to plan the curriculum and to ensure that your child has a well-rounded education. Part of your child’s education should include physical activity or physical education. When children are small, they may willingly stay active. After all, most children love playing outdoors ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
We all struggle with boundaries from time to time. During the catastrophe that has seen the spread of COVID-19 across the world and the way governments have attempted to deal with this threat, boundaries have been both emerging and melting away in a freeze-thaw process. At the same time as we’re surrounded by new physical ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
Remote learning was probably not what anyone expected to be doing by the end of 2020, but at this point, it seems less like an extreme measure and more like an inevitability. With social distancing still the most effective and widely available tool to stop the spread of the pandemic, schools are likely to remain ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
Like many of you, we are heartbroken and agonized over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. We are still processing how best we can engage as a company and as individuals. To speak clearly: We condemn the violence and prejudice that has been directed against Black people in this country throughout ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
The use of technology in classrooms has become essential in this day and age. Over 59% of the world’s population is now connected to the internet according to the latest Digital Population Report published by Statista, yet many teachers seem to be introducing educational technology very slowly. In a survey conducted by the University of ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
Using games to teach has been a popular method for a long time. Games inherently have elements that make them a robust way to drive human learning. The typical structure starts with a problem the player needs to solve. You then use the skill to solve the problem. Using that skill will help the player ..read more
Whooo's Reading Blog
4y ago
What is one of the most significant issues in modern education? The lack of motivation in students. Unfortunately, some learners have zero motivation to study. They do not want to read books and complete assignments. As a teacher, you have the power to change the situation. By combining intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, you can spark ..read more