Speaking Out for Skyler
Alliance Dog Training | Dog Trainer
by alliancedogtraining
3y ago
As many of you know, last week I was involved in making Skyler’s last day on Earth a good one. I have waited a week to share his story, and how the system failed him. Before I begin, I will say that I have almost a decade of experience working with dogs, more than half that with aggressive and reactive ones. I am certified as both a trainer and a behavior consultant. I have served on multiple boards including for the organization that had custody of Skyler, worked with Humane Societies and Departments of Animal Services (animal control) and served as an expert witness in trials involving dogs ..read more
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What’s In A Name? Aggression vs. Fear in Dogs
Alliance Dog Training | Dog Trainer
by alliancedogtraining
3y ago
Territoriality. Resource guarding. Food aggression. Owner guarding. Stranger danger. So many names for aggression – all of them just labels, boxes in which we can put “bad” dog behavior. People desperately need names for things. Sometimes the calls I get go like this: Caller: My dog is aggressive towards people. Me: What makes you say he’s aggressive? Can you give me more details on that? Caller: He lunges and barks any time someone gets too close to him. Other times it goes this way: Caller: My dog is scared of people. Me: OK, why do you say he’s aggressive? What’s he doing when he ..read more
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A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing Your Broken Dog
Alliance Dog Training | Dog Trainer
by alliancedogtraining
3y ago
When I was first establishing my LLC, I tried hard to find a meaningful name. I spent weeks looking for the perfect business title with a meaningful underlying message. My husband suggested “The Dog Mechanic.” Uh. What? “The dog mechanic. You know, like a car mechanic? You take your car in to get it fixed when it has a check engine light or something is broken. The dog mechanic!” On the surface, it seemed suitable. I do, after all, address problem behaviors: Barking and lunging at other dogs on leash Lunging, barking and snapping at people on leash Dogs barking, lunging and snapping at f ..read more
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Don’t Be “THAT” Person: A heartfelt plea from the owner of a reactive dog
Alliance Dog Training | Dog Trainer
by alliancedogtraining
3y ago
  There I am on the trail, dried brush baking in the sun, kicking up dry dirt with every step we take. A light but pervasive layer of dust encases all four of my dog’s paws – that’s going to leave fantastic little paw prints all over the backseat of my car. I’m walking my dog-aggressive dog in a remote area on a 15 foot leash. It’s one of the few places we get to enjoy and not worry about tons of dogs passing us on a walk but I always keep the leash on just in case. We’ve hiked about 2 miles – we are relaxing and my dog is enjoying sniffing everything. Several thoughtful people have ..read more
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