Yoga Poses for Lower Back Strength
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
1y ago
This sequence of 12 poses is great for increasing strength along the whole posterior chain of the body — another way of saying this is that these yoga poses build back strength. (To go straight to the video breakdown, click here.) How to use this Yoga for Lower Back Sequence There are three different ways that you can use this sequence: Practice or teach this sequence for a 15-20 minute practice from start to finish Use this sequence as a starting place for a longer sequence. So, you can use some of the central tenets and central ideas and spin it into a bigger sequence. Take some of the p more
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Yoga Sequence for Core Strength
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
1y ago
Try this simple, accessible, effective sequence to strengthen the entirety of your core: the anterior abdominals, iliopsoas, the rotational elements of the core, and the back of the core. YOGA SEQUENCE FOR CORE STRENGTH DETAILS Postures 1-4 are all reclined anterior-core strengtheners that are accessible and efficient. They also teach the neuromuscular coordination of the arm-balances and are a great way to help develop these postures. Hold each for 20-40 seconds and do as many repetitions as you’d like. Postures 5-6 are quintessential seated core-strengtheners. Paripurna Navasana, which is more
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Essential Sequence: Quick Hip Openers
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
This sequence focuses on stretching the muscles around the whole circumference of the hip joint. It’s great for relieving tension that can accumulate from long periods of sitting or standing and it’s also incredibly grounding. I like to do it after traveling or just at the end of a long, intense day. Spend 5-10 breaths in each pose (or longer if you’d like) and do both sides before moving to the next pose. Yoga for Hips Sequence You’ll notice that the sequence ends with Lotus Pose. Lotus is a beautiful pose and one that many of us pine for. But I promise you that doing Lotus does not make yo more
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Mastering the Art of the Well-Paced Class
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
Every day during my teacher trainings I give my students time to practice on their own—at their own pace. The practice period is only 15 to 20 minutes, but it gives everyone a little quiet time to integrate the work we’ve been doing as a group. And, it gives everyone the opportunity to work on whatever it is they need at the time. I’ve watched hundreds of students practice in this environment and one thing that stands out: No one goes fast. No one. I’ve never seen one person choose to move at a pace that outstrips their breath. I’ve never seen someone go so fast that they get winded. I’ve see more
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The Mother of All Backbends: Urdhva Dhanurasana
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
Urdvha Dhanurasana is such an iconic pose, teachers around the world simply call it “backbend.” There’s no other posture like this. If your teacher said “OK everyone: arm balance,” would you have any idea which pose to do? No. What if they said, “OK everyone: twist,” or, “standing pose,” “forward bend,?” Nope. Upward Bow represents an entire posture group—and is so ubiquitous in all current traditions of yoga—because it’s so thorough. It stretches the quads, hip-flexors, abdominals, and shoulders while strengthening the entire back body. The postures also engenders a debate about whether or n more
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How to Survive the Worst Yoga Class You’ve Ever Taught
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
We’ve all had the same gut-wrenching, heart-breaking thought at some point while teaching a class, ‘This is not only the worst class that I’ve taught, this is the absolute worst class that has ever, ever been taught in the history of yoga.’ In fact, the qualification “at some point,” is me being generous. We’ve all (yes, ALL) had this feeling more than a few times. Since you’re a consummate professional, highly-trained in objectivity and managing your emotions, you probably finished class without burying your head in the bolsters or breaking into self-absorbed tears. But, honestly, what do yo more
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A Shoulder Opening Sequence to Forearm Balance
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
WHY THIS FOREARM STAND SEQUENCE WORKS This sequence leading to Forearm Stand focuses on creating greater range of movement in your shoulders. Tightness in the shoulders—particularly flexion of the shoulder joint—will distort the spine, pelvis, and legs. More often than not, these distortions produce a banana shape in the posture. When the vertical integrity of the posture is lost because the body has moved into a banana shape, it’s harder to sustain the posture because the rest of your body is overworking to compensate. Core strength can minimize this banana shape pattern, but it’s important more
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5 Ways to Stay Healthy, Safe, and Grounded While You’re Teaching
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
As yoga teachers, we’re committed to the wellbeing of our students. After all, our bottom line is to help people reduce their suffering. We even commit to ongoing, continuing education to help provide more skillful service. Yet, we often ignore how easy it is to injure ourselves–or become overly stressed out and ungrounded–when we teach. No, our job isn’t too dirty and there are plenty of other vocations that carry much greater risk. But teaching yoga presents plenty of physical and emotional challenges. Here are a few ways to keep yourself healthy, safe and grounded while you teach. Yoga Tea more
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30-Minute Morning Sequence
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Jason Crandell
3y ago
Practicing first thing in the morning has never been easy for me. But, I’ve adapted to the early hours by creating a simple, brief morning yoga sequence that slowly eases my body open. It’s illustrated above. In fact, doing a mellow practice in the morning is something I’ve started looking forward to—and, yes, I usually savor a cup of coffee prior to the first pose, or along with the sequence. Call the yoga police if you must. If I want to do a more demanding yoga flow—which I usually save for the afternoon—I can easily use the sequence above as template. Once I get my body moving and genera more
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7 Ways to Use Mindfulness to Navigate the Holidays
Jason Crandell Yoga Blog
by Andrea Ferretti
3y ago
I feel incredibly fortunate to be in a phase of life when I love the holiday season. These days I’m in a, “Pass me a pumpkin spice latte while I blast Mariah’s All I want for Christmas” state of mind.  But, this wasn’t always the case. (I share more about my own experience with difficult holidays in a recent podcast Jason and I did.) The holidays can feel fraught with expectation, pressure, even sadness. During these times it’s helpful to draw upon the tools you have been developing in your yoga and mindfulness practices. Here are some mindfulness practices for the holidays that can help more
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