Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
ABC unites SA's active breast cancer organisations with the driving goal of lobbying government to develop and implement an effective Breast Health Policy.
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
In 2014 we set out with the vision of an equitable and sustainable breast cancer policy for all. This policy was approved in April and was officially launched in East London on Friday. This is indeed an achievement! This means that our advocacy pays off.
Even though the policy was approved – the policy is by far not complete as there are still gaps in the policy. The decision was to focus on Phase 1 to ensure that the treatment aspects are in place before focusing on the community awareness and clinical breast examination as well as the supportive care and palliative care aspects. Other gaps a more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
Thank you for being part of the breast cancer journey that we have walked with you over the past few years.
This blog has become a great resource for people who are experiencing their own cancer journeys, either themselves or with a loved one.
At the moment there are no plans to continue posts on this blog, but it will remain as a really useful resource.
We are currently concentrating our advocacy efforts at, where you can find our ‘Lets Talk About Cancer’ toolkit as well as Photovoice cancer patient stories and a wealth of other information.
Aluta C more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
For many of us, the ‘festive season’ is anything but festive as it reminds us of loved ones lost, or of easier, healthier times. Clinical psychologist Marc Lipshitz has written three blog posts that will help you through the grieving process. This is the third.
Willingness to face the truth of what we have lost either through death or illness and to experience the full range of our feelings is the beginning of acceptance. It is also, more often than not, the beginning of a fuller appreciation of who we are and what we are capable of becoming because grief causes us to look inwards and questio more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
For many of us, the ‘festive season’ is anything but festive as it reminds us of loved ones lost, or of easier, healthier times. Clinical psychologist Marc Lipshitz has written three blog posts that will help you through the grieving process. This is the second.
Grieving is an active process that the griever needs to engage with. It does not passively happen to you but requires hard work and effort. Grief involves choices in coping because we can also choose not to grieve.
Think of a past or current loss that you have not fully grieved. What was or is the reason for this? See if the list belo more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
For many of us, the ‘festive season’ is anything but festive as it reminds us of loved ones lost, or of easier, healthier times. Clinical psychologist Marc Lipshitz has written three blog posts that will help you through the grieving process. This is the first.
Grief is a personal journey never the same for any two people, and as unique as your life and your relationships.
Grief may be the experience of continuing to love someone after they die, of longing for a loved one’s presence, and yet knowing that is no longer available. However, grief is not limited to loss through death. Every time y more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
We asked Helderberg Hospice to give us an overview of their services so that our readers could get a better understanding of how the hospice and palliative care system works. South Africa has a number of hospice and palliative care units. For a list, click here
Helderberg Hospice
Our team of dedicated Palliative Care trained Nursing Sisters form the basis of our palliative care service. We work in an interdisciplinary team, including our part time doctor, social workers, volunteers, and other relevant role players to provide optimal holistic care to each and every one of our patient more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
Palliative care is a very misunderstood concept; mostly because people avoid thoughts of being seriously ill and needing the additional care that hospice and palliative care can provide. Yet, the relatively few people who do find their way to hospice, care always say “we should have done this much sooner”.
In general, people hearing the words ‘hospice’ or ‘palliative care’ think the care is provided to ease a person’s dying. In reality, the focus of hospice and palliative care is on living well under the circumstances of having a serious illness. Often the diagnosis and treatment of cancer mea more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
Palliative care is a relatively new field in medicine. It was established because of a recognition that there is a wide range of care that is needed by patients and their loved ones who are facing a life threatening illness.
Palliative care is all about comfort and support. It can be accessed at any point during an illness, and brings in the specialist help of a team of doctors, nurses, spiritual advisors, pharmacists, nutritionists and social workers.
The whole point of palliative care is to add quality to life. it is designed to make things easier, to take away some of the stressors a more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
We are nearing the end of the breast cancer journey that we have walked with you over the past few years. This blog has become a great resource for people who are experiencing their own cancer journeys, either themselves or with a loved one.
As we prepare the final posts, about palliative care and grieving, we found this link which we thought you would enjoy.
A woman named Heather McManamy passed away at age 36 from breast cancer. One of her last requests was that her husband Jeff McManamy share a letter she wrote to friends and family. It is, of course, heartbreaking. But it’s also funny and more
Advocates for Breast Cancer Blog
3y ago
Cancervive travelled 2400km across the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa, from 08 – 18 September through the varying landscapes of lush vegetation, unkempt wildness and stretches of desolation, to raise awareness about cancer.
From the farming communities of Caledon, Riviersonderend, Swellendam and Riversdale through the glorious Garden Route all the way to rural schools and factories, the message “Early detection saves lives” was shared by survivors who have walked the cancer journey and bear testament to this statement, with their own bruised bodies and ye more