Oct 2, Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
Heal yourself with a whole foods plant-based diet ..read more
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Oct 31, Regular acupuncture benefits rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
A 2018 study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal found that clinical trials indicate that regular acupuncture over at least 3-12 weeks improves condition and quality of life for rheumatoid arthritis patients. "In our review, we concluded that acupuncture alone or combined with other treatment modalities is beneficial to the clinical conditions of RA without adverse effects reported and can improve function and quality of life and is worth trying. Several important possible mechanisms were summarized including anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidative effect ..read more
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Oct 30, Acupuncture and herbal medicine reduce ringing in ears
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
"Acupuncture provides tinnitus relief. Luoding City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Guangdong, China) researchers determined that acupuncture combined with the herbal formula Liu Wei Di Huang Wan relieves symptoms and improves quality of life for tinnitus sufferers. The study compared acupuncture and herbs with hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Acupuncture plus herbs produced a 77.5% effective rate compared with 50% in the hyperbaric oxygen control group. [1] Study outcome measures included symptom severity, duration, and the impact of tinnitus on sleep, mood, and attention ..read more
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Sep 28, Complementary facial rejuvenation session.
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
During the month of October 2019, receive a complementary facial rejuvenation treatment ($35 value) with any new patient or follow-up acupuncture treatment! Use this code to claim your free facial rejuvenation session: FACE1019 Offer valid only once per person, only in October 2019 ..read more
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Sep 28, Acupuncture as an alternative to opioids.
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
Conventional medical professionals have a growing interest in use of acupuncture instead of opioids for chronic pain ..read more
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Apr 10, Acupuncture a 'Realistic Option' vs HRT for Hot Flashes
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
I have had many patients report less hot flashes with regular acupuncture. We also have Chinese herbal formulas that are very effective for controlling menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. Medscape reports: "Receiving a 15-minute, standardized acupuncture treatment once a week for 5 weeks eased bothersome menopausal symptoms, notably, hot flashes, in a small pragmatic trial. "Researchers randomly assigned 70 women in Denmark who were experiencing "quite a bit" to "a lot" of menopausal hot flashes either to undergo acupuncture from experienced primary care physicians or not to undergo acupu ..read more
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Oct 18, Perception of Therapeutic Qi, a Nonmechanical, Nonpsychological Factor in Acupuncture That Originates from the Therapist
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
An interesting study indicates that people who have experience receiving acupuncture can distinguish between purely mechanical needling (no human contact with the needle) and human contact with the needle in a blinded condition, suggesting that the practitioner's vitality (known as "qi" in Chinese medicine) may play a role in the therapeutic effect of acupuncture ..read more
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Oct 18, Chinese herbal medicine improves circulation and reduces cold hands and feet
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
Tangkuei Decoction for Frigid Extrimities Plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger is a traditional Chinese medicine for cold hands and feet. In Japanese it is called Tokishigyakukagoshuyushokyoto. This study from the BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine Journal confirms its effectiveness ..read more
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Apr 3, Study: Acupuncture Improves Healing of Shingles
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
Health Care Medicine Institute reports: "Acupuncture relieves pain due to shingles, reduces the need for painkillers, speeds the healing of herpes zoster lesions, and reduces the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Tianjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine researchers combined acupuncture with standard drug therapy. Patients receiving both drug therapy and acupuncture in a combined treatment protocol had superior patient outcomes compared with patients using only drug therapy ..read more
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Mar 27, Study: Acuuncture may reduce frequency of migraine attacks
Barefoot Acupuncture
1y ago
I have had good results helping people reduce migraine attacks using acupuncture. Generally 2 treatments a week for 20 weeks has greatly reduced the severity and frequency of migraines in patients I have treated. Now a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association Internal Medicine has found similar results. Read a report about it through the link below ..read more
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