Data Plus Science
Welcome to Data Plus Science by Jeffrey A. Shaffer. He is a regular speaker at conferences, symposiums, universities and corporate training programs on the topic of data visualization, data mining, and Tableau.
Data Plus Science
3y ago
One popular requests when creating maps in Tableau is the ability to be able to swap between a regular map view and a satellite view. Tableau offers six different map layers; Light, Normal, Dark, Street, Outdoors and Satellite. In this blog post I will outline how we can create a custom Mapbox map that will allow you to have the best of both worlds; a customized Mapbox map in any style, and a Satellite view, all in the same map ..read more
Data Plus Science
3y ago
Tableau Tip volume in 2021- Volume 21. In this short post, I will share seven tips focused on forecast function in Tableau ..read more
Data Plus Science
3y ago
During #data20 this year, I published a viz called #DATA20 BY THE MINUTE where I visualized total of tweets with the #data20 hashtag, counted by minute. In order to this, I need to set up R codes that collect data from Twitter. This would be a fun topic to play with so I came up with this blog postwhere I show you the 'how-to ..read more
Data Plus Science
4y ago
If you are a Tableau or data visualization enthusiast, then you have certainly come across the four quadrant chart. A quadrant chart is simply a scatter plot that is divided into four equal squares, hence the name quadrant. Like a scatter plot, the quadrant chart plots one measure on the X-axis and another on the Y-axis. By dividing into quadrants, the chart makes it easier for readers to understand which characteristics the data points are strongly (or poorly) associated with ..read more
Data Plus Science
4y ago
This is a special edition of Tableau Tips Volume to mark the end of this very strange year. If you've been following along this year then you already know that I have published a total of 194 daily Tableau tips since March. I am planning on sharing more tips in 2021, but for now, here is the 20th installment of Tableau Tips featuring 12 tips from 2020 that I think you'll find useful ..read more
Data Plus Science
4y ago
Here is the 19th installment of my Tableau Tips series. The name came from a comment on my Tableau Tips tweet, referring it as a hidden gem. This volume will feature those tips that are hard to notice, yet very useful- just like precious gems ..read more
Data Plus Science
4y ago
Layering Mark Types in Tableau 2020.4, using a six-layer scatter plot as an example ..read more
Data Plus Science
4y ago
Here is the 18th installment of Tableau tips where I explore quick tips that I find very useful ..read more