Musings on Maps
Daniel Brownstein blogs about data visualisation, with a focus on mapping techniques
Musings on Maps
2w ago
As we face an age when the norms of legal conduct in the United States stand to be shredded, we have been suggested to benefit from looking, both for perspective and solace, if only for relief, to fantasy literature as more
Musings on Maps
1M ago
Plenty of blame has been going round this election cycle on the Democratic Party for having given material assistance–if not tacitly supported–in the bombing of Palestinian settlements in Gaza by Israeli Defense Forces. The drumbeat of disquiet about the Democratic more
Musings on Maps
2M ago
The increasing atteniton to the border of Israel with Lebanon may not have been set in a global context of a theater of war in the map used by Israel PM Netanyahu to address the UN General Assembly. Apocalyptic imagery and symbolism in the southern third of Lebanon is hard to grasp or contain, as well as to map with the accuracy it demands. The burn scars across the landscape will be long visible, long after the current conflict fades, and the destruction of local olive harvest bodes poorly for future peace more
Musings on Maps
11M ago
The war around Gaza is not for territory, but rather for the destruction of the presence of a terror network that has entrenched its power base deep underground. In many case, deeper than thought. While Israel has been pretty clear about more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
The Gaza Strip’s spatiality continues to puzzle and fascinate–as much as the pressing question of its sovereignty. The two are of course intertwined, and the boundaries of Gaza are historically defined. A remainder of Palestinian settlement, not so much an more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
Attending New Year’s service in an Oxford Orthodox synagogue, I paused when the ritual prayer book I held–a Machzor-moved smoothly from prayers to George VI (it was an old one) to prayers for the Israel Defense Forces. The rabbi, who more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
With global ocean surface temperatures shot way off the charts by mid-March, beyond forty years satellites have monito”nred sea surface temperatures, we’ve been struggling to map the changes in sea-surface temperatures, both globally and locally, in satisfactory and meaningful ways. The more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
The voyage to the Titanic promoted cartographic fantasies of discovery and exploration, but only in international waters. The maps of legal oversight Stockton Rush avoided demand to be recognized as a creation of globalism, as much as a luxury diversion of the super-rich more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
With frozen glaciers disappearing into the oceans at an unprecedented rate, the rise of an ecotourism of glacier viewing is hardly unexpected. But the rise of new heights of glacial melt that are feared for much of the arctic this more
Musings on Maps
1y ago
The edges of our world may be blue, if we mean the anthropocentric perspective on our atmosphere. But the edges of those densely populated world of the Sargasso Sea are hardly blue, as much as they float in the transparent more