Wycliffe UK
Wycliffe Bible Translators believe that the Bible is the best way for people to come to know and understand who God is. Our vision is that by working with churches, organisations and individuals from around the world all people will have access to God's word in a language that they truly understand.
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
What do you do when there are no Scriptures written down in a language?
In fact, what do you do when the language isn’t written down at all?
You do the preparatory work for writing down the language. That includes areas such as trying to understand how the language works and how best to write words, working with the community, and creating some form of dictionary.
And as these things develop, you can start creating some oral materials too.
That’s the situation with the Gusilay language in Senegal.
Three of the composing ‘voices’
With the language’s first dictionary published in 2019, work has ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
‘I went to tell my parents I wanted to go into Bible translation; I told them, “This is what I think I should do,” and they were not happy about it, my father especially.’
Pelumi’s parents weren’t opposed to Christian ministry. ‘My father is a pastor,’ she says. ‘But I have three sisters and they were still in school.
‘In Nigeria, being the first graduate you are expected to have some responsibilities. My father expected that after university I would be able to work for a while to help support the younger ones.
‘My sister told me, “We like your vision, but there’s no money.”’
‘God had a new pu ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
My name is Robert Murrell, and I am a TCK (third-culture kid). My parents moved to the Central African Republic (CAR) from England with me and my little sister when we were three and two. They went to CAR to help translate the Bible into Mpyemo, a language spoken in the south-west of the country. I am also deaf, though I have had hearing aids since I was six months old.
I spent most of my childhood in Africa, apart from a couple of brief trips to England in 2007 and 2010, and we returned to England for good when I was 11. For the most part, we lived in a rural village called Bilolo, though we ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
Do you remember when you were given your first Bible?
That smell of newly printed pages. Reading those precious words of life. Finding a passage that would stay in your heart.
Imagine being able to do those things with the Ellomwe people of Malawi when their Bible was launched! We all love celebrating when a Bible is launched, but it doesn’t just happen – there is a team behind it.
Translators are a huge part of that team, and training local people to translate God’s word is vital as we work towards a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible. In Nigeria, one of the key places wher ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
God has always provided the resources necessary for his work on earth.
Think back to the first job he gave anyone: looking after the Garden of Eden. He gave Adam and Eve everything they needed for that task – he’d just made it, it was perfect, and he gave it to them so that they could do this work with and for him. (Gen 2:15–22) It’s in his nature – God so loved the world that he… gave. (John 3:16; Acts 1:4)
Even the message of salvation and forgiveness that we have to tell is a free gift from God himself! (Rom 5:12–17; Eph 2:4–9)
And the beauty of the Bible’s story from cover to cover is that ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
What happens if your laptop is stolen, or a member of your team is kidnapped? What happens if there are riots where you live, or conflict breaks out? And after an emergency evacuation, how do you know when it is safe to return?
Paul Murrell
These are essential questions for many people serving with Wycliffe around the world today. And security personnel play vital roles in keeping people safe while they serve God.
Paul Murrell is a linguistics consultant. His work can have a big impact – how easily people can learn to read, how easy it is to understand a Bible translation, and how accurate tha ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
A woman in Southeast Asia
Photographer: Marc Ewell
‘We have encountered all the kinds of difficulties the Bible says God’s children will have to encounter,’ says Ma’ayan*. But at every turn she has seen God at work.
‘When we interview staff before they join our team, I think we should begin by asking if they can endure the challenges of the world,’ Ma’ayan says.
Ma’ayan is a member of the Aldor* oral Bible storying team. She lives in a country in Southeast Asia where Christians face rejection, discrimination and even violence. But, she says, ‘God’s power is so much greater than man’s.’
‘I am ..read more
Wycliffe UK
2y ago
‘After we had been working for a while, translating God’s word into Dobel, that’s when I fully put my trust in the Lord,’ says Eka. ‘That’s because we were reading God’s word in Dobel, and I understood it well. I started praying to God using Dobel, and it was so good.’
Eka, Dobel Bible translator
Eka’s journey to joining the Dobel translation team began with a dream: ‘I saw the Lord Jesus coming to me and lifting up his hand towards me. Then he said, “Come and follow me.”’
At that time, the Bible was only available in the national language, Indonesian. But there are 17 languages spoken in the ..read more
Wycliffe UK
3y ago
Darn ymddangosodd mewn rhifyn diweddar o’n cylchgrawn dwyieithog, Wycliffe News Cymru:
Aeth cenhadon efengylaidd o Gymru i bob cwr o’r byd o gyfnod y Diwygiad Methodistaidd (o gylch 1750) ymlaen. Un o nodweddio mwyaf trawiadol y corff hwn o genhadon Cymraeg yw eu gweithgarwch i gyfieithu’r Beibl i’r famiaith yn y llefydd yr aethant iddynt. Mae llawer o’r straeon hynny wedi diflannu o’n cydwybod ond fe ddefnyddiodd yr Arglwydd yr ymdrechion hyn i ddwyn ffrwyth mewn sawl man ar draws y byd. Dros y rhifynnau nesaf o Wycliffe News Cymru byddwn ni’n cyflwyno rhai o’r cenhadon a’r ymdrechion hyn, ac ..read more
Wycliffe UK
3y ago
Darn ymddangosodd mewn rhifyn diweddar o’n cylchgrawn dwyieithog, Wycliffe News Cymru:
Aeth cenhadon o Gymru i bob cwr o’r byd o gyfnod y Diwygiad Methodistaidd (o gylch 1750) ymlaen. Un o nodweddion mwyaf trawiadol y corff hwn o genhadon Cymraeg yw eu gweithgarwch i gyfieithu’r Beibl i’r famiaith yn y llefydd yr aethant iddynt. Mae llawer o’r straeon hynny wedi diflannu o’n cydwybod ond fe ddefnyddiodd yr Arglwydd yr ymdrechion hyn i ddwyn ffrwyth mewn sawl man ar draws y byd. Yn y rhifyn diwethaf o Wycliffe News Cymru cychwynon ni ar gyfres i gyflwyno rhai o’r cenhadon a’r ymdrechion hyn, ac ..read more