The Mindful Word
A journal of engaged living with a vision of integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Key topics covered are mind-spirit, contemplations, spiritual practices, conscious creativity, holistic health, participatory culture, and mindful tourism.
The Mindful Word
5h ago
Oh, Lord! I realize we’re living in a time of popularity accruing to the lowest common denominator, a fact that’s hitting us in the face each day like a punch! I’m not concerned here with that kind of popularity, but with something related: an artist’s quest for authenticity and its relationship to communication, in this here giant fishbowl! In short, any kind of artist (writer, painter, etc.) is doing two things: Art is the bridge that enables someone—indeed, anyone, if […]
The post “POPULARITY” AND QUALITY IN THE ARTS: The psychological risks of being an artist appeared first on The Mindful ..read more
The Mindful Word
5h ago
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision was revolutionary, transcending the social and political realities of his time. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality wasn’t just about dismantling racial discrimination and segregation in the 1960s, but about something far broader—a movement for freedom, dignity and justice for all marginalized people, regardless of race, gender or nationality. As we reflect on King’s legacy today, we can see that the Civil Rights Movement has evolved beyond what he could have ever imagined. […]
The post BEYOND THE DREAM: Continuing Dr. King’s vision for global ..read more
The Mindful Word
5d ago
In a world where hustle culture often dominates, and entrepreneurs are expected to juggle countless responsibilities, breathwork has emerged as an unlikely yet transformative ally. As a professional breathwork teacher and the founder of em&co, I’ve witnessed how this ancient practice can revolutionize not only personal well-being but also professional performance. Entrepreneurs, this one’s for you, though the tips below can be helpful to people from other walks of life, too! What is breathwork? Breathwork refers to the intentional practice […]
The post THE RISE OF BREATHWORK: A game-changi ..read more
The Mindful Word
5d ago
AI is like fire; it can cook your dinner or burn your house down. – Lee Pomerantz, 2024 This striking metaphor captures both the potential and peril of artificial intelligence (AI) as it becomes deeply integrated into human life. While AI promises to revolutionize problem-solving, creativity and decision-making, it also raises profound questions about identity, purpose and human connection. When combined with transhumanist ideals that seek to enhance human capabilities beyond natural limits, the essence of humanity comes into question. […]
The post SPIRITUALITY IN AN AI-DRIVEN WORLD: Finding p ..read more
The Mindful Word
1w ago
When you step into a traditional Chinese temple, you may notice serene Buddha statues sitting cross-legged, eyes softly closed, hands resting on their knees. These figures embody the practice of meditation, an ancient art that helps people find peace amid life’s chaos. But today, as we race through our days in a fast-paced, tech-driven world, this sense of calm feels increasingly out of reach. Our screens buzz with constant notifications, our feeds are endlessly scrollable, and let’s face it, we’re […]
The post MINDFULNESS IN THE AGE OF ALGORITHMS: Reclaiming focus and clarity appeared first o ..read more
The Mindful Word
2w ago
Imagine dedicating your life to caring for a loved one, day in and day out. Every day starts with waking up early to prepare breakfast, administer medications and ensure your loved one feels comfortable. On the surface, you may appear to be composed and resilient, but beneath that calm exterior lies a world of hidden struggles. The constant vigilance required to prevent accidents, the emotional toll of watching a loved one’s health decline, and the isolation from friends and social […]
The post THE HIDDEN TOLL OF CAREGIVING: A mindful approach to psychological well-being appeared first on The ..read more
The Mindful Word
2w ago
My Father’s Hands They are too big now, resting, as they do, at the end of too-thin arms.At first, the thumb rubs across my knuckles. The grasp firm.Then, as the too-fast breaths come, there is just the tenderest swell and ease of fingers—unseen but felt. Loose but warm.Then, a coolness, a stillness. And the nails, shaped as mine, a cerulean blue. Pale as shadows in a cloudy sea. Long Gone, Not Gone I walk in the gardens of my childhood.Gossamer […]
The post POEMS BY OLIVIA HAJIOFF: My Father’s Hands and more appeared first on The Mindful Word ..read more
The Mindful Word
3w ago
The Greek concept of Logos is an enduring idea that has shaped various aspects of Western thought. However, it’s not so simple to understand. This is partly because the word “logo” is associated with branding. And when it comes to the definition discussed here, the word “Logos” has been borrowed and built upon by several philosophies and religions over the centuries. Each has put its own angle on the original meaning, including adding God to it—something that atheists and agnostics […]
The post LOGOS IN STOICISM: What is Logos and how does it relate to Stoic philosophy? appeared first on The M ..read more
The Mindful Word
3w ago
In a world often divided by injustice and inequality, I proudly stand as a Progressive. To be a Progressive isn’t merely to seek change, but to believe in humanity’s boundless potential to improve, evolve and most importantly, uplift those who are most vulnerable among us. Progressivism is the belief that we can—and must—do better. Rooted in the timeless pursuit of justice, equality and opportunity, it envisions a world that is safer, healthier, freer and more enlightened for all. Perhaps it […]
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The Mindful Word
3w ago
One of my favourite teachers is the Dalai Lama. His simple way of stating the profound is one of his many gifts to all of us. His notion that “my religion is kindness” comes to mind. The wealthy vs. the working class In today’s world, we have one powerful group of people that believes their mission in life is to acquire and achieve all the monetary and political power they can. They express concern only for their own needs and […]
The post LIVE RESPONSIBLY OR BECOME EXTINCT: The choice is ours appeared first on The Mindful Word ..read more