Hello, my name is Lynne. I love to share reading with others and use my blog as a way of documenting my own reading and to serve as an additional online place where I can share my opinions about the books I read.
12h ago
I have come to appreciate that I thoroughly enjoy all of Joanna Cannon’s novels. “Three Things About Elsie” was true to form. A wonderful blend of humour and pathos. The novel is about the long life of Florence Claybourne who ..read more
3d ago
“…anything is possible in the dark hours” Sixty year old Julia Harte lives alone with her rescue dog, Mutt, is a tiny Irish village. Retired now, she was once a Detective Inspector with the Irish Garda Síochána. In 1994 she ..read more
3d ago
This title has been on my TBR for ages. The reason I didn’t get to it was partly because I had read so many novels with an ‘insomnia‘ trope, that I just couldn’t face another. I was wrong. This novel ..read more
5d ago
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish which is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. The rules are simple: Each Tuesday, Jana assigns a new topic. Create your own Top ..read more
6d ago
The title suited the novel perfectly. Penitence, sorrow, regret, culpability, and atonement permeated the book which is set in a small Colorado ski resort town. The plot begins with Nora Sheehan, a thirteen year old girl ringing the police early ..read more
1w ago
January by the numbers: Total titles read: 16 three of which were audiobooks Published recently: 11 Backlist titles: 5 Five star reads: 3 Blog Tours 3 Books that are part of a series: 4 Audiobooks 3 Goodreads challenge: 16/150 (10 ..read more
1w ago
This month I added 10 new review commitments to my TBR mountain. I requested 3 titles from NetGalley and Edelweiss. Temptation won me over… I was sent 4 email invitations with ‘widgets’ to download books; I downloaded one ‘Download Now ..read more
1w ago
Driftwood, Alabama, is a fictional small town situated on the Gulf coast. It is the kind of small town where everyone wants to live. The ocean is near, the people are friendly, and there is an all-round good vibe. Ava ..read more
1w ago
“Often the truth is hiding in a lie.” If you are a seasonal reader, then, like me, you will relish this novel set during a frigid Icelandic winter. Agnes is a young woman who has spent the last year in ..read more
1w ago
Driftwood, Alabama, is a fictional small town situated on the Gulf coast. It is the kind of small town where everyone wants to live. The ocean is near, the people are friendly, and there is an all-round good vibe. Ava ..read more