The Beard Struggle
A page for fellow beard brothers and admirers, we try to keep you laughing and inspired.
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
Wait! Don’t shave your beard off. A lot of people are starting to shave their faces due to this COVID-19 scare. I mean who would blame them if they did. I mean it is not like the internet has ever been wrong before….
Boxes of N95 protective masks for use by medical field personnel are seen at a New York State emergency operations incident command center during the coronavirus outbreak in New Rochelle, New York, March 17, 2020. Photo By: Mike Segar/Reuters, FILEShould You Shave Your Beard
Should you shave off your beard? This is a question raised among the Bearded community partially due to an ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
The proverbial “Beard” So, what is in a beard other than the obvious answer, “Hair, and lots of it” (to abate the sarcastic characters in the room). Where did it come from? Well first and foremost, it is a symbol. Scientifically speaking, usually only pubescent or adult males are able to grow facial hair. As such, Beards are a symbol that you are a Man, and in the world of gender identity crises on the rise we need something to separate us from the “Others”. Beard and beard grooming is part of style. It is just as important as rule of the width of a tie and how it should match the width of the ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
Photo By: TBS Brand Vikings
© 2020, The Beard Struggle
Simply put, because they can! So many regulations while serving prevented you from doing so. No Handlebar mustaches, no long sideburns, and especially, no hair on your chin. I remember every morning, shaving my face at o’ dark 30 just to race off to that 6 o’clock formation. All those years of enforced shaving can take a toll on you. You spend however long in your life, while in the military, being told what to do and when to do it. Now I am not saying there isn’t a purpose behind it. To me, it was a manner of discipline. However, now tha ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
You might not think that growing a beard takes time and effort. You just wake up, brush it and go. And actually, to just simply grow a beard that may be the case. However, what does it truly take to grow a great beard – one that is truly Epic and commands respect. As you might suspect, growing a truly great beard requires six basic steps, wash it, condition it, oil it, balm it, brush it and trim it.
Wash it Photo By: Matt Zordani
© 2020, The Beard Struggle
You would not use regular face soap to wash the hair on your head. Unlike normal shampoos you use for your hair, beard shampoo effectively ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
Vikings throughout history have been enthralled in legend. Popular modern conceptions depict them as a people who specialized in advanced sailing and navigational skills as well as being notorious savage warriors. They had a reputation for being the “Bad Boys” of the medieval world. According to National Geographic, when we say "Vikings," we think of any inhabitant of the medieval Nordic world. However, Viking literally means raider; it’s a job title. As such, it is not hard to think that with all this fame and notoriety to be had that there would not be a few women — or shieldmaidens — who w ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
Exotic, Fearless, and Powerful, is a name associated with the Vaeringjar or the more notorious name, the Varangian Guard. They were the only mercenary unit in history whose exploits can be counted in Centuries. These Norsemen came from distant lands, whose glorious feats were the makings of myths and legends. They were described as axe-bearing barbarians who were recounted on how they were frightening both in appearance and in equipment that attacked with reckless rage and neither cared about losing blood nor their wounds. Formidable, durable, and enduring, are where we drew our inspira ..read more
The Beard Struggle
5y ago
If you are reading this article, you or someone you know is participating in No-Shave November. We all are doing it for different reasons. Whether it is to show awareness, or simply as an excuse to not shave for a few days and get away with it. Did that once and liked it. now my beard is massive. Either way lets Share some Bearded support with the why, how, and the Beard-fore & After-Beard.
One Simple Rule: DON'T SHAVE
No-Shave November Origin
Back in 2009, No-Shave November began as a Facebook campaign to raise awareness and money for cancer research and charities. It was created by ..read more
The Beard Struggle
6y ago
You remember when you were young and everything was so simple? Everything was so easy. See, when you were young, you looked at the world a whole lot differently; didn’t you? I know I did. We knew what we wanted, and we had no biases or agendas to adhere to. We would avoid people who we disliked, and we were not afraid to tell someone how we felt.
Complication = Hesitation
So, when did everything get so complicated? The truth is, life is still simple. The older we get the more we try to complicate things. We begin to place more emphasis on people’s feelings. We start to react differently ..read more
The Beard Struggle
6y ago
WAIT! Stop what you are doing. There is still hope for beating the heat with a beard.
Such a sad day indeed when you see such young beards cut down before they could reach their prime. So many new Beards are being shaved off because they “Think” it will keep them cooler. However, that is far from the truth. We just do not grow enough hair for heat to affect our body temperature.
We just do not grow enough hair for heat to affect our body temperature
“According to a study titled Hair Density, Wind Speed, and Heat Loss in Mammals, skin needs to be covered by at least 1,000 hairs per squ ..read more