The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
11M ago
I was recently shopping for my husband for his birthday and began to grow frustrated. I had a specific gift in mind and was searching online for said item. I like using online stores to gather ideas and have a starting point. I also like to use websites to see what kind of availability stores have and then go into the store and see the item and purchase in person. I’ve noticed a growing trend within the past couple of years that stores are carrying less and less on their shelves. I’m a sensory person. I like being able to touch items before I buy them. I also like to look things over to check ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
11M ago
Here in the Northeast we are currently experiencing a mini heat wave. Mid 70 degree temps, sunny, and gorgeous…it’s hard to believe it’s the end of October. My boys keep reminding me that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming and the holidays will be here before we know it. With the holiday season drawing near, so do all the “things” that come along with it. Busier schedules, parties and get-togethers, Christmas concerts and festive events, decorations and meal planning. Should I even tell you that we are only 4 Sundays from Thanksgiving and 9 from Christmas!? I’m sorry if I just induced a sma ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
11M ago
I’m pretty basic. Anytime I visit my local coffee shop I get the same ole’ thing. Medium hot vanilla latte with whole milk. Occasionally I’ll branch out and get a sweet cream cold brew in the summertime. Until recently… We met up with my parents this past weekend to grab lunch and do some local shopping at the farmers market. Anytime we meet up with my parents, you know there is going to be coffee involved. It so happened to be my birthday and I thought, “I’m 36 now, I should live a little and try something new.” I know, I’m a wild one in my old age, haha, but the thrifty-ness in me is always ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
11M ago
A leaf falls and dances across my windshield as I’m driving home from my cleaning job. The ride home is beautiful especially this time of year. Its back roads, rolling hills, towering mountains in the distance. It’s October so the mountains are a sea of gold, red, orange, green and brown. My windows are down and there is a crispness in the air. The quiet of the car ride home seems like a perfect time to reflect. As I was taking in the beauty of my favorite time of year, I found myself thinking back to when I use to blog. How I’d love to pull over my car and snap a picture of the beautiful lan ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
1y ago
Advent Download Advent Download with cards ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
2y ago
Often times I think people have a false mindset that modest = frumpy. Like dressing modestly means you’re walking around in a moo-moo or something. Which is so not true! Today I wanted to share a few outfit combos I’ve put together for spring, specifically for Sunday church service. Outfits that are feminine, modest, and not frumpy About a year or so ago I felt convicted to start wearing more dresses/skirts generally speaking. I still like wearing blue jeans especially during the winter time, but with spring temperatures and summer approaching I’m looking forward to wearing more skirts and dr ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
2y ago
It is hard to believe that we have been calling this little stone house our home for just about five years already. Those five years have literally flown by. In honor of the five year anniversary of living here I thought that it would be fun to take a look back at where we started and reminisce about how far this house has come since we moved in. This home was built in the late 50s and the previous owners took wonderful care of the home. The previous owners actually built the home and were the only owners of the home until we bought it. They are actually friends of my husband’s family and the ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
2y ago
The other week on Instagram we were chatting about book recommendations for preteen boys, specifically. I don’t know about you guys, but lately I’m finding it difficult to find solid books for my 10-year-old soon to be 11-year-old boy. When he was younger it was almost effortless to find beautiful life giving picture books and short stories. Now, he is obviously in that chapter book age group. He’s able to comprehend more in depth story lines, but a lot of the books just leave me feeling kind of, “eh” They are either cheesy or they have subjects and contents within the book that just aren’t th ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
2y ago
If you look around your home right now; does it feel untidy, unorganized, overwhelming? Even if your home doesn’t feel that way today, I think it’s safe to say we have all been there in one season or another. Today on the blog I wanted to take some time to talk about getting into a homemaking routine. it’s something I get asked about fairly often, and I thought it would be beneficial to cover here on the blog. “How do I set a plan in place?” “Where do I start?” The answers to questions like that honestly are going to vary from person to person, but one key aspect is needed for each person. WH ..read more
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The Homemaking momma
by The Homemaking Momma
2y ago
The other day on Instagram I posted question box asking y’all to throw some of your homeschool/homemaking questions my way. While I never profess to be an expert in either of those subjects I do enjoy talking about them and I always enjoy these Wondering Wednesday posts. Today I have a variety of your wonderings to cover so let’s get to it, shall we? What Curriculum Are You Using Currently I’ve talked about what we are using and what we love HERE in this post. I don’t think we have added anything new or different since then. What Is Your Trim Color I have a whole blog post with all of our pai ..read more
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