10 Great Pyrenees Puppy Essentials
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
3y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees There’s just something special about Great Pyrenees puppies. They’re adorable little fluffballs that delight everyone around them. I don’t know about you, but I have never had two identical Great Pyrenees puppies—they all have their own quirks and behaviors. Some are more confident, some are more eager to learn, and some are just downright mischievous (*cough Kiska). But no matter what personality your pyr puppy has, there are a few things every owner should purchase before bringing the puppy home. Ahead, our top 10 Great Pyrenees puppy essentia ..read more
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From Scared to Service Dog: Kiska’s Unspoken Story
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
4y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees This story is sponsored by CUDDLY. Don’t worry—we only share information about products and services we truly love and support. Rescue is kind of my thing. When I was younger, I’d help any animal I came across. I can vividly remember riding my bike around our small neighborhood and finding an injured baby bird. I ran to my friend’s house, grabbed some gloves, and put him into our mailbox until I could get an adult (because my kid brain felt that was the safest place for him). As I got older, I fell in love with the Great Pyrenees breed and becam ..read more
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Tikaani Progress
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees It’s hard to believe Tikaani has been with us for four months! I really wish I knew what happened earlier in his life, but we’re just going to push forward regardless. He’s living the good life and learning a lot. Once he trusts you, he’s extremely eager to please—he always wants to make his people happy. Quick recap Kaani trusted me after spending 48 hours straight together. It took about 76 hours for him to start to trust Nick. Nick wasn’t with him full-time, but Kaani knew I thought he was okay, which helped. If Kaani could see a person—no ..read more
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Happy 2nd Birthday, Kiska!
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees How oh how is Miss Kiska two already? It feels like yesterday that we were giving her bath after bath to remove the fleas from her. I still remember my stomach churning when I saw the massive amount of them by her eyes. I never thought this little fluff nugget would become my service dog. She amazes me every day with her skills. Between gluten detection and blood pressure alerts, she helps me in numerous ways. So, let’s take a look back at some puppy pictures! You can never go wrong there, right? The first picture I got with this nugget. I fell ..read more
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13 Great Pyrenees Trying to Beat the Heat
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees It’s summer and it is hot. We’ve been living in the Seattle area for the past three years, so the switch to Virginia weather has been quite the shock for the floofs. Between a/c, baby pools, and frozen treats, we’ve been able to keep everyone fairly cool. Here are some ways other pyrs are beating the summer heat. Mauja also likes to go into the shower on a hot day (or when she’s trying to hide from fireworks). View this post on Instagram “When it’s over 100° outside, I gotta seek out the coolest spot in the house to s ..read more
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How to Earn the Trust of Fearful Dogs (and my foolproof treat)
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees Dogs have two ways to deal with fear: fight or flight. When I first met Kaani, he was leashed—he chose fight because he couldn’t get away. He never hurt me, but wanted me to know he meant business. Once I got him into a larger area, he chose flight. He would run away and cower in a corner somewhere. His favorite place was his crate—his safe place. When I opened his crate to take him on potty breaks, he varied between the two. Sometimes, he would squish to the back of the crate, and other times he’d lunge toward the door. Interestingly, he always ..read more
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Forever By Your Side with BellaBeads
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees I spent a lot of time living at home while I was in college. It was mostly because I was always sick, but I also struggled with social anxiety. Being at home gave me more time to hang out with our family dog, Rascal. Rascal was a Samoyed, and the start of my love for white, fluffy dogs. He was getting older and then suddenly took a turn for the worse. I was making him homemade meals to try and convince him to eat, and we’d have to carry him outside to go to the bathroom. He wasn’t living a quality life. My parents made the difficult decision to ..read more
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Washington to Virginia | Day 5
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees Phew, day five done! Today, we traveled from Davenport, IA to Dayton, OH with a stop in Indianapolis. *Note: I’m writing these at the end of each day, so I’m pretty tired when I do. I apologize if I rant or things read strangely. We got up fairly early since it would be about a five hour drive from our hotel to my sister-in-law’s house in Indianapolis. Plus, we try and take fairly long breaks every two to three hours to let the floofs stretch their legs. Kaani did pretty well at relaxing when he saw people during our breaks. He was still very ale ..read more
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Washington to Virginia | Day 4
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees On day four, we traveled from Kearney, NE to Davenport, IA. We had planned to stop in Des Moines to see my brother—where he is working on his PhD—but we managed to miss each other as he went home to see our parents. *Note: I’m writing these at the end of each day, so I’m pretty tired when I do. I apologize if I rant or things read strangely. This meant we had another shorter (7 hour) day. These days have been great for getting the dogs out and exercised. They’ve been living in a hotel/car for seven days, so they definitely need the extra moving t ..read more
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Tikaani Progress
It's Dog or Nothing
by Kelsie McKenzie
5y ago
It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees It’s hard to believe Tikaani has been with us for four months! I really wish I knew what happened earlier in his life, but we’re just going to push forward regardless. He’s living the good life and learning a lot. Once he trusts you, he’s extremely eager to please—he always wants to make his people happy. Quick recap Kaani trusted me after spending 48 hours straight together. It took about 76 hours for him to start to trust Nick. Nick wasn’t with him full-time, but Kaani knew I thought he was okay, which helped. If Kaani ..read more
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