5 Simple Ways to Show Your Dog You Love Them
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
8M ago
I don’t think many of us have any doubts that our dogs love us unconditionally, yet it can be hard to know exactly how to reciprocate that feeling. Luckily there are some nice little ways to show that love, even if you have a busy schedule. Here’s a few simple things you can do to show your dog you love them. Keep a Routine For Your Dog One of the best ways to show your dog you love them is by providing them with a daily routine. They’ll feel more secure knowing when meal time is, when they get to go outside, when they get to play, and when their daily walk will be. Like us, our dogs find comf ..read more
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500 Unique Dog Names
Puppy Leaks Blog
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
One of the most important steps when getting a new dog is choosing the right name. As easy as it may sound, the process can be a bit overwhelming. Your dog is going to be your best friend for years, so there’s a lot of pressure to pick the right name. You want a name that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that the whole family can agree on. So if you’re looking for a unique dog name for your new best friend you’ve come to the right place. To help you out I’ve put together a list of rare and standout names to get you started. From Abbott to Zuzu, here’s 5oo unique dog n ..read more
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200 Fun Dog Names
Puppy Leaks Blog
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Picking out the perfect name for your new pup sounds simple enough, yet with so many choices it can be hard to know where to begin. We’ve already covered cute names, old fashioned names and popular names here on the blog, so today let’s take dive into fun names. Choosing a fun name for your dog can help highlight your dog’s entertaining personality, as well as get a few laughs from everyone they meet. So if you’re looking for a fun name for your new best friend you’ve come to the right place; here’s 200 fun dog names for inspiration. 200 Fun Dog Names Alf Alfredo Angus Archie Bacon Barb ..read more
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Percy in Pennsylvania Needs a Home
Puppy Leaks Blog
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Percy, a beautiful male German Shepherd mix, is looking for his forever home in eastern Pennsylvania. From the rescue: Percy, a male, German Shepherd mix, was found wandering the streets alone and brought to the rescue in hopes of reuniting him with his owner. Sadly no one has come to claim Percy so he is now looking for a new forever home with a family who will cherish him and keep him safe. According to a person claiming to be familiar with Percy, Percy is approximately 7 years old and was not fond of other male dogs. Percy appears house trained, knows the commands sit and shake and has bee ..read more
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Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
“What the heck do you have in your mouth?” is something all of us are familiar with, as we chase our dog around trying to figure out what they’ve gotten into this time. And as it turns out, dirt is a common culprit. Why do dogs eat dirt? Well there’s a couple common causes we’ll go over in this article, when it’s cause for concern, and how to stop the behavior. Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? The most common causes for dogs eating dirt are mineral deficiencies, medical issues, and boredom and/or behavioral issues. If your dog is eating dirt it’s important to take note of any changes in their behavior or ..read more
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10 Symptoms of Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Puppy Leaks Blog
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Separation anxiety is a fairly common behavioral issue in dogs, and positively identifying the issue is the first step you need to take when it comes to managing it. Below we’ll go over the common symptoms of separation anxiety, and some resources to help you manage it. And before we begin it’s important to know you’re not alone, and it’s not necessarily caused by something you did wrong, nearly 80% of dogs find it stressful to be left alone. From excessive barking when you’re away to overly excited greetings at the door, here’s 10 common symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs. Barking & H ..read more
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10 Signs Your Dog Loves You
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Does your dog truly love you, or do they just love all the food and toys you provide? I think we’ve all wondered just how much our dogs really love us, and whether they share the same deep bond with us that we have with them. And luckily for us there are a few ways to know for sure. From greeting you at the door to stealing your clothes, here’s 10 signs your dog loves you. They Like to Sleep Near You In the wild dogs can are quite defensive when sleeping — they have to be alert to any potential dangers that may be lurking about. So if your dog chooses to sleep near you it means they see you as ..read more
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Why Does My Dog Nibble Me?
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Does your dog have a habit of nibbling on you? Or perhaps they nibble on blankets and other animals. It’s called cobbing, and although it’s a bit weird to us, it’s usually considered an affectionate behavior. There’s also a few less common causes for nibbling, such as separation anxiety or boredom, but for the most part it’s a relatively harmless habit that many dog owners find endearing. Why Do Dogs Nibble? Nibbling, also called cobbing or corn cobbing, is when your dog gently nibbles on you (or another object or animal) with their front teeth. Dogs often nibble on things that bring them comf ..read more
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Why Is My Dog Aggressive When Woken Up?
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
1y ago
Is your dog aggressive when woken up? If so you’re not alone. It’s called the sleep startle reflex, and it’s the reason “let sleeping dogs lie” is more than just a popular proverb; it’s solid advice. The sleep startle reflex is an instinct in animals, and it’s one many of our domestic dogs carry. In this article we’ll go over why dogs have the reflex, and some practical tips to prevent the behavior. Why Is My Dog Aggressive When Woken Up? Simply put the sleep startle reflex that many dogs have is an instinct to protect themselves from danger. In the wild it’s a defense mechanism that helps kee ..read more
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500 Short Dog Names
Puppy Leaks
by Puppy Leaks
2y ago
Looking for a cute, short name for your dog? You’ve come to the right place. Choosing a name for your dog can be a challenge. You’re already overwhelmed with the excitement of getting a new dog, so trying to come up with the perfect name right away can be a bit stressful. Finding a name that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that everyone in the family can agree on — it can feel like a daunting task. When I need help coming up with ideas I browse name lists for inspiration, so much more convenient than how we used to rely on baby name books back in the day. So to help ..read more
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