Labrador Training HQ
Follow for Labrador obedience training, house training, crate training, health and everything you need to know to live with and care for Labradors and lab puppies.
Labrador Training HQ
1y ago
A Lab Chow mix, also commonly called a Chabrador, is a designer mixed breed dog you get when mixing a loveable and intelligent Labrador Retriever with a furry and vigilant Chow…
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Labrador Training HQ
1y ago
Are you a fan of giant dogs? The Mastador, or Mastiff Lab mix, might be exactly the dog that you are looking for. These are intelligent dogs that are extremely friendly…
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Labrador Training HQ
1y ago
Labrador retrievers are beloved family members. So it’s easy to want to give them treats when those puppy-dog eyes stare up at you, begging for food. But too much of a…
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Labrador Training HQ
1y ago
Usually, when we think of a Labradoodle, we think of a dog with the friendly temperament and work ethic of a Labrador retriever with the low-shedding curly coat of a poodle.…
The post What Is A Straight Hair Labradoodle? appeared first on LabradorTrainingHQ ..read more
Labrador Training HQ | Everything Labrador Retriever
2y ago
A Shar-Pei Lab Mix AKA Lab Pei is a designer mixed breed dog that is the result of mixing the popular Labrador retriever with a Chinese Shar-Pei. The result is a…
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Labrador Training HQ
2y ago
Labrador retrievers are great family dogs. There are many reasons that they’ve been the most popular breed for decades. But they are not for everyone and there are reasons not to…
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Labrador Training HQ | Everything Labrador Retriever
2y ago
The red Labradoodle comes from crossing a red or apricot poodle with a cream Labrador retriever or two red Labradoodles. The red coloration of the coat has to come from the…
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Labrador Training HQ
2y ago
You were so thrilled to get two adorable puppies from the same litter. But now they’re beginning to have some behavior problems. So you wonder what happened. Or you’re thinking about…
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Labrador Training HQ
2y ago
One of the latest trends in the hybrid dog breed world is the Chihuahua Lab mix, also known as the Labrahuahua. The Labrahuahua is an adorable mix of the Chihuahua and…
The post Caring For My Labrahuahua: The Chihuahua Lab Mix appeared first on LabradorTrainingHQ ..read more
Labrador Training HQ
2y ago
If you are looking for a large breed that is both a playful family dog and a reliable guard dog for your property, then a Doberman Lab mix, also known as…
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