Cassie Stephens Blog
An elementary art teacher blog with art projects and lessons, DIY projects and outfit photos as well as clothing I have made myself. Authored by Cassie Stephens.
Cassie Stephens Blog
5d ago
If you haven't, you might wanna! For the last four weeks, I've been sending out weekly free lessons and downloads! So...if you'd like to take advantage, you might want to sign up. And now...back to the program...
Hey y'all!
I thought I'd share a fun spin on a much-loved lesson, my Chris Uphues-inspired Happy Hearts project!
This lesson is just the thing to brighten these long winter days. My students always love creating a variety of silly faces. AND this lesson comes with some free downloads which makes it even better! Tap ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
2w ago
Hello, friends!
I got such a great response for my Paintbrush Practice sheets (available for free here), that I thought I'd create another way for your students to continue their paintbrush practice...with Paintbrush Ballerina Bootcamp!
Inspired by my new book, The Paintbrush Ballerina, I created a series of fun and quick activities for your artists to practice their paintbrush skills before diving into any painting activity. Here's why:
Often, when painting with students, we assume they have used paintbrushes before and know the do's and the don't's. But many of our students have li ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
2w ago
Hey, y'all! To celebrate the launch of my brand new book, The Paintbrush Ballerina, I created two FREE Paintbrush Practice downloads just for you and your young artists!
I have always found that you can TELL students the do's and don't's of ANYTHING but until they actually put it into practice does it stick. With these two sheets, your students will be able to do just that. Yay!
For over 25 years, I taught elementary art. It didn't take me long to realize that you have to teach students EVERYTHING. So many of them come to us never having painted before! So how to hold, use and care f ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
3w ago
Hello, friends!
Today I thought I'd put together a big ole blog post of some of my very favorite lessons that both introduce and continue to explore painting with children. So if you are looking for a fun and engaging lesson for kids of all ages, I think you'll find something here. Thanks for dropping by!
But first, I gotta let ya know that the REAL reason I'm sharing painting projects with you is because my new book, The Paintbrush Ballerina, launched this week!
If you've been hanging out with me for a while, then you've seen me share my method of painting with my students. Here's ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
1M ago
Hey, friends! Earlier this week, I shared some of my favorite lessons to ease back into the art room. They were all Valentine's themed to give you a jump start on a display for next month. You can check out that blog post (where each lesson comes with a video!) right here.
Today I'm sharing lessons that are also Valentine's themed (or really heart/love themed!) but there are a little more in-depth and will take multiple class periods. Personally...I love a long project for these long winter days. It means less prep (after the first initial wave of tons of prep, ha!) and gives the kids ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
1M ago
Okay, listen, I get it. We're still in December and you may not want to be thinking about what's gonna go down in your art room next week (or this week? Do you return to school on Friday?). Regardless, I thought I'd help you out by offering some of my favorite EASY and engaging lessons that will allow you to ease your way back to the art room. Most of these lessons have a video so you can play that for your students while you grab your coffee and try to remember what day it is.
Let's start here! This lesson is ALWAYS a hit and, believe it or not, I do it with kindergarten. HOWEVER...when I r ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
1M ago
Got paper bags and an itch to paint? Let's create these Christmas trees! You'll just need the following:
*Acrylic paint
*Chalk (optional)
*Palette (a paper plate or newspaper works too!)
Alright, let's get started!
Right? So fun and easy! I love doing a bunch at a time because then I have a stash for gifts. AND they make great framed works of art!
Have fun ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
1M ago
Tis the time of the year to get to creating! If you are like me, then you just can't seem to part with your paper bag collection. I always see endless ideas on Pinterest and Instagram for bags so I just can't part with them! Last year, I recycled my bags by painting them into holiday motif bags and it was so much fun. I have been doing it again this year and decided to film the process in case you'd like to join me.
Something fun I found is that...once your painting is complete, you have an original masterpiece that can be framed and enjoyed!
Here's the process:
If you have child ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
1M ago
Hey there! As I was unpacking my Christmas clothes at the start of the month, I decided to film the process. However...it was kinda boring just holding the clothing up so...I thought I'd try some on for ya! I only managed to scrape the tip of the Christmas clothes iceberg but these are my faves. I'd love to hear yours!
And...if you are looking to up your closet game, I highly recommend the following:
*Hit the thrift stores! I PERSONALLY...love to have one-of-a-kind items. So the thrift and resale shops are always the best. For those of you saying "I never find anything at the thrift store ..read more
Cassie Stephens Blog
2M ago
Hello, friends! If you've been hanging with me on this here blog for a while, then you know that I've transformed many Christmas tree skirts to lady skirts over the years. In fact, I've been doing it for so long that it was before I even created videos! So many of my tutorials were old school: photos and WORDS, y'all. Today I thought I'd take you on a little stroll down Christmas tree skirt to lady skirt lane in case you are so inclined to create your own. And you should! It's super fun! You can check out the skirt I made last year...here!
I have a coupla hot tips when it comes to this supe ..read more