Single Mom Nation
Covers advice for single mothers of all experiences, women seeking divorce, ending a relationship, deploying with the military or supporting a deployed parent, who feel alone in a marriage or partnership, who are considering parenting and relationship options or some other circumstance that lifts them up as the primary person raising a child.
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
I read today that Vanessa Trump, who filed for papers five to seven minutes ago vs. the evil-who-shant-be-named's eldest child, was named "Most Likely to Be Divorced" in her high school yearbook. Oof. And she was named "Most Likely to be on Ricki Lake." Also, oof. I am guessing that wasn't to talk about natural childbirth and grinding placenta into pills. (More oofs.)
The designation in a yearbook felt stabby, maybe because it was created by asshole teenagers who self-elevate by putting others down. And even if that's something she exuded or even aspired to out loud, putting that to pa ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
Tinder, eHarmony, Plenty of Fish, even the playground at (ahem) pick-up time – wherever and however you're meeting your matches, you won't be prepared unless you've first heard Ewa Baran's dating stories. We're making sense of what makes dating as a single mom so sweet, so spicy and sometimes, so sour. Warning: Contains cussing and many references to dating site profiles with bad leather couches and dollar bill-collecting dancers in the background.
Listen in now
Oh, hey. Here's another show you'd love
This single mom unexpectedly found love on a free dating site. Listen to ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
It was urgent. My son needed to know something. It was about his sister.
"What is a half-sister?"
I braced myself. I tried to keep my face calm, my smile soft, but deep within, I cringed. My stomach knotted. My heart hurt. I knew this would come. I just hoped it would be further out on that sea of difficult questions. The new baby in our home was only a few months old, just enough time for all of us to fall deeply, madly in love with her delicious thighs and cheeks, her drooly kisses. Just enough time for her to begin lighting up and squealing every time her big brother walked into the ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
A few weeks ago on the podcast, my guest Lucrecer and I talked about how hard it is for married moms to really know our lives as single mothers.
That's true. At least for me. Much of the time.
Which is why it is funny (funny-awesome, not really funny-haha) that some of my favorite single parenting words of wisdom came from a married mom I met through church in the early days of my divorce.
This mom friend made time for things I just could not fathom as I transitioned from a home with a husband to my parents' house to an apartment with my small child. She made lavish meals ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
Is one of your resolutions to press pause on the Frozen soundtrack once the kids hop out of the car at morning drop-off and press play on something far less Olaf-y?
Are you exhausted from asking your friends which podcast you should listen to only to discover none of the hosts speak your language or really get your single-mom life?
We’ve got what you’re looking for to make 2019 the year of amazing you. Find all the inspiration, field-tested advice, laughs, deep questions and stories from real moms just like you on our podcast.
Your time to yourself is precious, so we will make it super-simple ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
You've heard it. I know you have.
Those barbs about being a single mom that dig in and deflate you – probably just moments after you've canceled a hair appointment because the school fees are due or you've been up all night with a sick kid or you've triple-locked the front door so your little family can finally get a restful night's sleep.
I have certainly heard the shame and the slander and the judgment for who I am or what kind of single mother I choose to be.
"You're pretty great at the single part but not so good at the mama part."
"You didn't try very hard before you left ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
So you thought your break-up was epic? For its out-on-the-street screaming? Or maybe because of its quiet amicability? Because it came through on Snapchat?
Oh, no. Your last relationship's end, no matter how much it left you in a puddle or empowered, has nothing on this story. Unless, your break-up also included Phil Collins. And the songwriter from the Psychedelic Furs. AND PHIL COLLINS.
Did I mention Phil Collins actually doles out relationship advice in this story? And that he relates, humbly and honestly about the agony of swapping a marriage for a hit song? Or that, in the end, the ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
You've been through something like this, right?
I was huddled over a near-flat tire, fumbling with an ancient air hose at a rather scary Speedway gas station in the middle of Strip Mall, Indiana yesterday afternoon. My pants were leather, my heels were high, my blouse was sophisticated, my rose gold hair and hot pink lipstick were somehow still perfectly in place.
But my hands? They were covered in grease, dirt, and God only know what else lives in the underbelly of family SUVs.
All I needed to do was refill the tire, slip into some yoga pants and boots, and turn left on to the inters ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
Being a single mother is the best part of who I am. You might nod in agreement if you were raised by a solo parent or if you're a single parent yourself. Eight years of being a single mother have called me to stand taller, hug longer and dig deeper than I ever anticipated.
There are 9.9 million single mothers in this country. Each of us has a thousand stories to tell and lessons to share about the challenges and triumphs.
Here are eight of mine.
I Am Enough
I have all of the skills and love it takes to raise a child well and to make sound and safe decisions with my son's ..read more
Single Mom Nation
4y ago
This month we celebrate the many experiences, lessons, missteps and triumphs of single mothers for Single Mom Stories September. Join us by reading, sharing, commenting and -- if you have your own story to tell -- contributing here as we strengthen the circle of support of mamas.
Contributed by Michele Fox-Hansell
Hi my name is Michele and I'm a single mom of children, Madison, 11; and identical twin boys Jacob and Joshua, 7. Leading up to the nightmare on September 28, 2013, I was healthy and happy, working three jobs to support myself and my children. On the morning of Septe ..read more