48 Lessons
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
4M ago
From 48 Years of Living Life My Way I didn’t end up choosing the path that society had set out for me. I didn’t plan to NOT choose it either. One of the things I am probably most proud of is that I always listened to ‘the nudge’ that I wanted more when it was time (I’m not saying there weren’t tears!). Before I go off one one of my many tangents, here are 48 lessons + truth bombs I’ve learned from chasing and catching my dreams! 1. If the vision was impossible you never would have received it (so go for it – best use of your life ever!) 2. Failure and success are on the same path, success is j ..read more
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Take The Scenic Route!
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
2y ago
Toll road or scenic. Which are you? If you only focus on arriving at “goal achieved”, then you are missing out on so much joy. Know where you are heading and then get fully focused on loving the heck out of getting there! That’s my motto. That’s what’s missing from so many people’s “roadmap”. A few scenic routes to break the journey up and create some epic memories enroute. I fully believe that we are supposed to enjoy the process of building a business. If we only focus on “when I’ve earned this much”, or ‘when I’ve achieved X’, we are missing out on a huge part of the experience. I have love ..read more
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Why I created a movement
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
2y ago
I wanted to share with you why I created the Meant for More Movement. Its sole purpose was to remind us all that we’re meant for more! I remember so many times in my life thinking “Is this it?” I wanted more. I didn’t always know what my “more” looked like, but I just had this niggle that something was missing. Fast forward to today and it’s now a global movement empowering women around the world to not settle. I mean this is one of those pinch-me moments. Did I just type the words “it’s a global movement”? How amazing is that! The reality is it’s been a global movement for 6 years now. U ..read more
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2021 Annual Review
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
2y ago
2021 the year you either got what you wanted….or you got what you needed I was in the latter camp! 2021 was yet another transformative….and pretty challenging year (as they all are when you’ve booked yourself a ticket on the personal growth train!). Not much passport action (again) which has had a bit of an impact on how I felt. Lots of growth and learning. I’m not a big crier but I think I cried more in 2021 than ever before! Right let’s start with some celebrations and focus on the good things that happened (then I’ll tell you about the ugly cry bits from 2021): Celebration 1 – This year my ..read more
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The moment everything changed for me
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
2y ago
My life can be divided into two parts: Before turning pro, and after. Ok, I’m paraphrasing Steven Pressfield here but I’m with him. When I first started my business I had one goal: FREEDOM. I managed to make just enough money to be able to travel the world with my laptop (my original “dream”). I had heaps of free time, but truthfully, I didn’t really have financial freedom, because I was quite honestly winging it when it came to “doing the work”. It’s easy to spend a few hours hanging out in FB groups telling yourself you showed up today! I remember having a lightbulb moment somewhere on the o ..read more
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Where goal setting gets it massively wrong
Jo Bendle Blog
by Jo Bendle
2y ago
When I started my business back in 2012 the marketing message back then was to earn “5k months” or achieve your first “6 figure year”. Now all the marketing seems to have changed to 7 and even 8 figure years, or a 6 figure launch as THE goal. The truth is – I’ve have never set an income goal that motivated me to do the work We have to stop working towards “other people’s” goals because if you don’t have the inner fire inside of you to achieve that goal it’s going to be hard when procrastination strikes. I have achieved income goals that I am ridiculously proud of but I got there a different wa ..read more
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2020 Annual Review
Jo Bendle Blog
by showitadmin
2y ago
Well like every year as a self-employed girlie, 2020 has been quite the adventure…. Just not the type of adventure that involves passports and airport shopping (sadly). It’s been a LONG time since this girl stayed in one place for so long. The upside of that is that I dived into my business even deeper which meant it got the chance to really grow. It’s amazing what happens when you remove travel distractions! 2020 was a pretty good year for me, (other than the obvious “global pandemic” challenges). I headed into it with a brand new offering: The Live Big Lab, after making the mahoosive decisio ..read more
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6 Habits to Living Bigger
Jo Bendle Blog
by showitadmin
2y ago
“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures” – F M Alexander Hi You, About 3 years ago a Coach I was working with at the time asked me a simple but powerful question: What did YOU do to get to where you are? So I put pen to paper and mapped it out and that’s when two things were born: The Meant for More Framework The #MeantforMore Success Habits I wanted to share these 6 Success Habits as they are truly what’s helped me keep growing in business (whilst still having a life), and I reckon they just might help you too…. Meant for More Succ ..read more
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8 lessons
Jo Bendle Blog
by showitadmin
2y ago
8 Lessons from 8 Years in Business Following on from yesterdays post sharing behind the scenes of my 8 years in business, here are the biggest lessons I learned along the way: Lesson 1 – We can’t do this alone I have constantly invested in myself, whether that’s masterminds, group programs, or 1:1 coaching. I have also very intentionally surrounded myself with like-minded women (and because that has been such an important part of my own journey, I have created that for my clients with The Lab, my signature group coaching and mastermind). There is no way I could achieve what I have on my own, I ..read more
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20 Journaling Prompts
Jo Bendle Blog
by showitadmin
2y ago
“The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe” — David Hare We take the courses, hire the coaches, and have the dreams yet we still get in our own way, don’t we? Running your own business is apparently the biggest personal development journey you can go on. We’ve all heard that, felt it and got the T-shirt. Along the way, we get given all these weird and wonderful tools like tapping (EFT), journaling, meditation, etc but there’s just so much to do and therefore these success tools get put on the “should” pile. It’s not what you know it’s what you DO that changes the game. I re ..read more
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