Thinking Out Loud
Marching to a Different Beat! Writer, musician, speaker, reader, husband, father Paul Wilkinson sharing articles, link lists, and reviews of various authors, churches, organisations, and posters.
Thinking Out Loud
4d ago
For the first time in nearly 15 years, I’m about to trash an entire blog post at our sister site, Christianity 201. The post was mostly scripture verses, courtesy of the Life Bible App, and it pains me to delete such a thorough Bible text collection, so I’m going to simply reproduce them here without ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
1w ago
Like the Ukraine when Putin’s forces invaded over two years ago, Canada is now a nation in an unprovoked war, only this war is being fought with economic instruments, not bombs or bullets. So far. The current U.S. President has a great admiration for Putin, so nothing is certain. Because we have many U.S. readers ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
1M ago
I wrote this to appear Thursday (1/2/25) at Christianity 201. It’s a mash-up of ideas from several different articles there, and it’s not my finest writing, but I feel the need to share it here as well on this particular day. In just a few weeks we will mark five years since the outbreak of ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
2M ago
It was supposed to be an interview about the encampment, but it ended up being more about her role as a pastor. The interviewer was a member of the Greek Orthodox Church and so much of this was new to her. Click the link below and then look for the show, Northumberland Women, posted on ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
3M ago
Nearly two decades ago, a 1983 short film landed on my radar with the title, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, based on a 1972 novel by the late Barbara Robinson. I was rather impressed with this little 40-odd minutes gem1, especially how it preserved the essence of the Bethlehem story without compromising the details. Last ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
4M ago
For the last 6 or 7 years I’ve been part of a local ministry leadership group that meets monthly. Due to a number of factors, I found myself chairing the last three or four meetings. On the morning of last week’s meeting, I really felt that God was giving me a direction as to how ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
5M ago
For over a decade I reported on the good, the bad and the ugly in the worldwide church through my Wednesday Link List column. There was a lot of good, but sometimes it seemed like the bad and the ugly was more prevalent. I think that’s why these short paragraphs from Christianity Today reporter and ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
5M ago
This is running today on our sister blog, Christianity 201. We’re ever grateful to HarperCollins Christian Products for the opportunity to run occasional excerpts from their books, though it’s actually been several years since we availed ourselves of the opportunity. Though N.T. (Tom) Wright is writing from the UK and Michael Bird from Australia, in ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
6M ago
Review of Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior by Kathie Lee Gifford and Bryan M. Litfin (W Publishing, 2024) You’re going to need two bookmarks for this one. More on that in a minute. Allow me to say at the outset, that this isn’t ..read more
Thinking Out Loud
6M ago
It wasn’t a business trip. Not at all. But we do still own a Christian bookstore (or as they would say over there, a Christian book shop) and I still occasionally write about Christian publishing, so I couldn’t help but absorb a number of impressions as we walked the streets of London last month. I ..read more