How to Pass the Salesforce CPQ Specialist Exam
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
Salesforce CPQ specialists are in high demand, knowledgeable CPQ specialists are in short supply, and the Salesforce CPQ Specialist certification is one of the most challenging certifications to obtain. I am a Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist and in this post I will share exactly how I passed the exam. This is not a post that […] The post How to Pass the Salesforce CPQ Specialist Exam appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Lightning Component Debugging Tips
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
Lightning Component debugging and troubleshooting can be challenging. Throughout the years, I have found myself using some of the same strategies over and over. This article describes those strategies that I use to debug Lightning Components using the Google Chrome browser. Set up the Environment There are two things that you want to do before […] The post Lightning Component Debugging Tips appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Lightning Record Edit Form
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
The Lightning Record Edit Form (lightning:recordEditForm) Base Lightning Component provides a way for developers to quickly create forms to create and edit records. It specifies event handler attributes (onload, onsubmit, onsuccess, onerror) and a method (submit) that allow developers to write customizations that hook into its standard functionality. This article explores what is available in […] The post Lightning Record Edit Form appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Lightning Layout Simplified
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
The Lightning Layout Base Lightning Component can be leveraged to structure pages and components used within Lightning contexts such as the Lightning Experience in a flexible way. The grid layout and responsive design support provide great flexibility, but may not be intuitive to Salesforce developers coming from a Visualforce background because there is nothing comparable […] The post Lightning Layout Simplified appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Apexless Lightning Components
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
A great deal can be done with custom Lightning Components without the need for any Apex code. The lightning:inputField component is designed to be used with the lightning:recordEditForm to provide a quick and easy way to edit records without needing an Apex controller and can be combined with force:recordData for greater flexibility. Additionally, there are […] The post Apexless Lightning Components appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Apex List Contains
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
The Idea, Contains/IndexOf Method for Lists, has been delivered in the Spring ’18 release. There are two new List methods: contains(listElement), and indexOf(listElement). The methods take a List element as an argument and return whether the List contains the element or the index in the List, respectively. This post looks at some interesting aspects of […] The post Apex List Contains appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Time Custom Field
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
I have been playing around with various features in the Spring ’18 release in a prerelease org in preparation for the next Lehigh Valley Salesforce Developer Group meetup. One of the features I explored is the new Time field type. The Idea for it has been around for 11 years, and it has gone into […] The post Time Custom Field appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Automatic Lightning Styles for Visualforce
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
Visualforce has enabled the very rapid development of custom-coded functionality that blends in seamlessly with native functionality in Salesforce Classic. Particularly, standard Visualforce components encapsulate the styling and functionality of many different standard Salesforce user interface elements. They range from fine to coarse grained (see Steven Herod’s excellent visual reference).  The introduction of the Lightning […] The post Automatic Lightning Styles for Visualforce appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Lightning Experience: The time to switch is here
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
When the Lightning Experience first came out it was difficult to justify migrating existing orgs to it because it lacked many features of Salesforce Classic. If a company were to immediately switch they would have invested time and money and lost functionality and in some cases the functionality would have been too critical to lose. Of course, users could […] The post Lightning Experience: The time to switch is here appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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Hot JavaScript tips for Visualforce Developers!
Peter Knolle - Salesforce and Software Development Technical Articles
by Peter Knolle
4y ago
The Visualforce framework abstracts away a lot of the heavy lifting of the underlying JavaScript necessary for Visualforce pages to function correctly. Visualforce developers can produce a whole lot of JavaScript without ever actually writing a single line of it by making use of built-in features like apex:commandButton, apex:actionFunction, etc. However, it is becoming more commonplace […] The post Hot JavaScript tips for Visualforce Developers! appeared first on Peter Knolle more
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