Stop, Drop, and Listen
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
3y ago
"The importance of the parent-child relationship is above everything else in parenting. If you work on that relationship, over behavior, that will win in the end. You may not get the behavior in the short term but in the long term it's that bond that keeps kids safe and emotionally healthy." -- Judy Arnall I wasn't born a good listener.  In fact, when I started my training as a psychologist, I had to work hard to keep my own mouth shut so I could really hear what my clients were telling me. Often, the most important information came out camouflaged, between other comments. We all do that more
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Why Kids Sometimes Hit After They Feel Close
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
“Dr. Laura -- I tried your advice to snuggle more with my son, who is four and often seems angry since his brother was born. At first it was great, he was giggling. Then he started to hit me. He wasn’t playing, he seemed actually really mad at me.  I didn’t know what to do, so I held his hand and said “I won’t let you hit me. I see you’re mad.”  Then he started to cry. Why did this happen when I was being so nice and trying to be close to him?” -- Katie Most of us are taken aback when our child lashes out after a particularly nice time together. What on earth?   But it's precise more
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When Your Toddler Hits You: A Script
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"An angry child is one who is quite frightened and sad underneath her tough stance. However small the issue, she feels that something absolutely vital to her is being threatened, and she has no choice but to fight. She also feels alone. As far as she can tell, no one understands her, no one will come to her rescue, and everyone is out to hurt her. Children naturally lean toward affection and companionship. When you see a child fiercely attacking her loved ones, you can assume that she is sitting on extremely painful feelings. She puts up her guard, daring us to care that she is hurt and needs more
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Handling Defiance: You're Not the Boss of Me!
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
  "Dr. Laura...How should I respond when he yells 'You're not the boss of me!'?" Defiance. It's guaranteed to push a parent's buttons. After all, we're supposed to be in charge, right? Defiance rubs our nose in the fact that we can't really control another person, whether he's three or thirteen, unless we use force. And who wants to be that parent? Because when we overreact to defiance, we escalate the battle.  Since force creates resistance, either openly or in a passive-aggressive form, it's ultimately a losing strategy. (You might win the battle, but you'll lose the war.) more
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When Your Child Hits You: A Script
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"For me the biggest problem still remains my own anger and fear when my boy is crossing the line -- especially regarding safety. He has hurt me so many times. I know that probably he didn't mean it but the pain sometimes brought me to tears. I wish I could remain calm in those kind of situations." Staying calm when our child hurts us is almost impossible. Pain sends us immediately into our lower brain stem, which governs the "fight or flight" impulse, and our beloved child immediately looks like the enemy. That automatically drops us onto "the low road" of parenting. You know the low road. It more
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How To Change Your Child's Behavior -- Without Punishment
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
  “Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse? Think of the last time you felt humiliated or treated unfairly. Did you feel like cooperating or doing better?” - Jane Nelsen Parents are often surprised to hear that most of what we think of as discipline -- spankings, consequences, even timeouts -- doesn't help kids become responsible, self-disciplined people. After all, parents punish so kids will learn to behave, right? But children learn what they live. The most effective way to teach kids is our modeling, and to more
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What's So Special About Special Time?
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"I give my kids plenty of attention. What's so special about Special Time?" - Emilee Every parent I know who has started doing Special Time with his or her child has told me that they see significant changes in their child's behavior. Parents often say that their child seems to respond to it as if they've been missing an essential nutrient. In a way, they have. Why? Because we live in a stressful culture that disconnects us from each other, from our feelings, and from our own inner wisdom. Special Time is the antidote for parents and children, an essential nutrient that heals the upsets and d more
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My Valentines Wish for You
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"Whatever the question, love is the answer." - The Dalai Lama "Behind the anger, behind the disrespect, and behind the manipulation is a scared child in desperate need of connection, love, and acceptance. ... If you show up for your child in a different state, he can only be different...When you are in a loving state, you automatically do the right thing...Love never fails." - Heather T. Forbes What does Valentine’s Day have to do with parenting?  Love. The purpose of Valentines Day is to celebrate love of all kinds. The purpose of parenting, quite obviously, is to raise children. But I b more
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12 Keys To Healthy Partnership Conflict Resolution When you Live With Kids
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"Dr. Laura....In your last post, you warned parents against fighting in front of our kids. But as you always say, we're not perfect, we're human! What are we supposed to do when we disagree? Isn't it good for kids to see parents work out disagreements, and make up? And isn't it okay if partners don't always agree? We can still love each other." Yes, Yes, and Yes! The nature of human relationships is that we will sometimes disagree. It's wonderful for children to see their parents model how to work out disagreements. It's important for them to know that we don't always agree, but we always love more
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How To Do Damage Control When You Fight In Front of Your Kids
Aha | Parenting Advice Blog
4y ago
"Yesterday my husband and I had an argument at dinner time in front of the kids. My four year old daughter yelled at us to ‘Be quiet!’ …  My two year old had a tough time going to bed, which is unusual for him. Could that have had to do with mommy and daddy arguing?”  In honor of Valentines Day next week, our next three posts are about the intersection between being a parent and being a couple -- specifically, how to work through conflicts when you're in front of your children. Conflict is part of every human relationship. If we live with children, those conflicts will sometimes come more
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