I Am Running This
Kelly is half-marathoner who started out with couch-to-5k and who knows that you can love running at any pace or distance. She is here to help you stay inspired on your running journey, and figure out what running can do for you.
I Am Running This
4y ago
I’ve been listening to the audiobook version of Off The Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done by Laura Vanderkam, and some advice in the most recent chapter made me reflect on my running.
Vanderkam speaks about memories, and how the years can blur together because our mind consolidates similar experiences so that instead of remembering every commute to work, we remember them as a single composite.
It’s unique experiences that create new, distinct memories that can help us feel like we have done more with the hours of our lives.
I love traditions and had not realized until I heard this ..read more
I Am Running This
4y ago
This election is going to be a nail-biter, and there’s a lot at stake. As the ads will tell you, the environment, the pandemic response, and human dignity and rights are on the ballot. And on top of being anxious about the results, we have a president who is already hinting that he won’t accept those results and whose actions and words encourage voter suppression and intimidation.
“Not for self, but for country.”
Mount Douglas, Maine
It’s a lot. And if you’ve already done your part and voted, it may be worth thinking about how you’re going to make mental space for yourself to get away from the ..read more
I Am Running This
4y ago
It has now been over 6 months of not hugging extended family or sharing meals or being able to walk into the grocery store or drop my kids off at school without a twinge of anxiety. The news cycle is brutal and the country is literally on fire. I don’t think I need to list all the reasons mental health might be taking a hit right now after half a year of pandemic life.
Here are some of the coping strategies I’ve adopted.
Volunteer to help get out the vote: I’ve found an easy way to help with voter turn-out for the November 3rd election by sending personal, brief, non-partisan letters encouragi ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
I just started using a Zwift training plan. I’ve had the app for cycling on my indoor trainer since January of 2019 but this is the first time I’ve used one of their training plans.
I took an FTP test through the app so it had information on what wattage I could average for 20 minutes of my best sustained effort, and Zwift now uses that information to fill in personalized goal wattages for me within their training plans.
I chose the FTP builder, designed to increase my cycling performance in about 4-5 hours a week.
Workouts are locked until it’s time to complete them, so you can’t skimp on re ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
We are fostering kittens!
Our guest bedroom is now “the kitten room” and we are on our second set of furry guests from Off the Rocks Animal Rescue.
Fostering kittens gives them a more spacious area and regular attention and socialization than if they needed to be kept at an animal rescue while awaiting adoption.
Fostering also gives us a wonderful chance to cuddle and play with adorable kittens… without making a permanent commitment that would deeply offend our 15 year old cat. Letting kittens stay in one room separated from her hasn’t caused her to bat an eyelash, but if they started taking ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
I went to the grocery store! I hope I never take it for granted again, because what used to feel like a chore now feels like all the holidays rolled into one when I start unpacking ripe watermelon, leafy greens, pears, asparagus, bright fresh bunches of cilantro, avocados, and all the other fresh produce I miss as we stretch our root vegetables and pantry and freezer staples to make it between trips to the store.
Today I celebrated by cooking a special lunch of falafel (my first time making it at home!) with a spring salad and asparagus, and a dinner of black bean and mango tacos with corn on ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
I recently gave a presentation for Sustainable Wellesley on meal planning strategies and how to make the most of your plant-based pantry staples to reduce trips to the grocery store.
Meal planning advice starts around 6:11 with some updates about our environmental group and the Virtual Dinner & Documentary Series event the presentation is part of before then.
It’s online if you’d like to watch it! I hope you enjoy it if you do, I put a lot of time and energy into the slides to try to simplify meal planning and cooking during these difficult times.
Happy cooking ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
I did it! I got out of bed two days in a row and exercised! My life is irrevocably changed! I’m a new woman! I’m invincible!
Ok, maybe not, but I do feel optimistic about sticking with this because it feels amazing to have time to myself to exercise before the day begins.
This morning I biked, an hour and a half leisurely ride on the indoor trainer while watching the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager which I’ve decided will be my new biking show. I remember enjoying it (though TNG was always my favorite) and I’m really excited for the escapism into a world where competent and ethical female ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
I got up early this morning to run.
With no school lunches to pack and no need to get the kids out the door on time, I’ve been sleeping until right before I need to get my kids on their zoom classroom meetings.
But a few days ago I realized that my life would probably be better if I got up an hour or so earlier and got a workout in before the day started.
With no place to go it seems like I could work out at any time. But my mid-morning workout routine of running or biking after the kids have been dropped off at school no longer works well.
The kids need me accessible in the morning to help wi ..read more
I Am Running This
5y ago
It’s April! And I’ve been doing a lot of indoor cycling. Because I love it and it makes me ridiculously happy and I need that right now. I love running, too, but it’s easier to get on the bike if you’re feeling tired! I’m going to work on remembering that I feel energized once I start running, too, but there’s just something great about exercise that you can start doing while you’re sitting down.
Greg and I recently completed Zwift’s Tour of Watopia – great events for building consistency!It’s April Fool’s Day, a holiday our 9 year old anticipates and plans for basically all year and our 8 ..read more