Easy & Cheap Risotto Recipe
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
4M ago
Like you, I am done with recipes that come after the author has told you their life story, so I'm going to skip the yadda yadda and get right to the yum because I respect you and your time, alright? Let's go. Easy & Cheap Risotto Recipe Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Arborio rice 1 large shallot, finely chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil or unsalted butter 4 to 5 cups chicken stock, kept warm 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces (or any veg you like, such as spinach, bok choi, kale, mushrooms or anything else you have sitting around) Zest of 1 lemon Juice of 1/2 ..read more
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I Am So Done
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
5M ago
I have been running this website for ten years and in that time, my friends, I have said everything there is to say about not believing in a god at least 80 times. Long ago, I arrived at a place where I felt like a broken record, and the passion for what I was writing had fizzled out. But I knew I still loved you. I love interacting with you. I love having a place to go to dump all the thoughts running around in this overactive head. I love that you engage with those thoughts and validate them at every turn. Together, we have built this small community that is supportive, uplifting, funny, sma ..read more
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Fight The Anti-Science Trend by Raising Critical Thinkers
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
6M ago
One of my biggest fears is that one of my kids will be drawn to the dark side and start riding for the extreme right Christofascists who are working hard to threaten democracy in North America. Of course, this fear is entirely irrational because I've raised my babies to be critical thinkers, and now that they're older and one is an adult, I can see that they are. That doesn't stop me from worrying about it, though. I've seen so many people I once adored go down that path, and now they're driving diesel trucks down the highway, flying Canadian flags and "Fuck Trudeau" banners with their measle ..read more
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Building a Community: How Atheists Connect with Like-minded People
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
7M ago
In a world where the majority still adhere to some form of religious belief, atheists often find themselves in a unique position when it comes to community building. The absence of a unifying belief system or a central religious institution means that atheists often have to take a more proactive approach to connect with like-minded folks. It's just not as easy as going to church every Sunday, right? You gotta put yourself out there. It's a challenge, especially when making friends as an adult is already harder than Han Solo after Darth Vader turned him into a consolation trophy. So, I've put ..read more
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10 Tips For Debating Religion As An Atheist
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
7M ago
Debating religion as an atheist can be akin to walking a tightrope over a Nickelback concert. One misstep, and you're in the shit. In my opinion, it's not really a route to truth but more of an intellectual dick-measuring contest. Often, it descends into bickering about the minutia of holy texts, which is my no-no zone. For me, a lifer atheist, the Bible means as much as what Kate Middleton is wearing to her fancy fuck-the-poor ball, which is to say it means sweet, fancy, fuck all. In my eyes, debating the Bible's far-fetched yarns can be compared to debating which character has a longer tail ..read more
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The Role of Science in Shaping Atheist Beliefs
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
7M ago
Atheists all love science, revere logic, and celebrate reason, right? You might think every atheist has a poster of Darwin in their living room and worships at the altar of Neil deGrasse Tyson, but hold onto your test tubes – it's not that simple. Science - The Atheist's New Deity? Picture this: an atheist waking up, kissing their framed picture of the periodic table, and reciting the scientific method instead of morning prayers. Sounds about right? Well, not quite. While it's true that many atheists are big fans of evidence and reason (shocking, I know), not all atheists are die-hard science ..read more
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Creating Your Own Secular Rituals and Traditions
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
8M ago
In her book "For Small Creatures Such as We," Sasha Sagan delves into the beauty and significance of rituals and traditions, presenting a secular perspective that finds wonder in the natural world and human experience. I know it's shocking to find out that some people have rituals and traditions that don't include a magic man in the sky, but it's true. Drawing inspiration from Sagan's approach, I want to explore the art of creating secular rituals and traditions, highlighting how they can offer meaningful, enriching experiences without any silly superstition or magic. There is Value in Ritual ..read more
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Navigating the World as an Atheist in a Religious Society
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
8M ago
In a world where the majority still clings to some form of religious belief, being an atheist can sometimes feel like being a crypto bro in business school – slightly awkward, very challenging, and sometimes downright scary. Atheism, often misunderstood and sometimes maligned, presents unique challenges and opportunities, especially in societies where religion plays a central role. Let's explore what it means to navigate the world as an atheist in a predominantly religious society. Understanding Atheism in a Religious Context First, it's crucial to understand what atheism is – and what it isn ..read more
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Top 10 Influential Atheists in History and Their Impact
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
8M ago
In the grand tapestry of human history, atheism, often seen as a modern phenomenon, has roots that run deep. Throughout the centuries, several notable figures have challenged the religious status quo, paving the way for a more secular understanding of the world. Let's embark on a journey through time to meet the top 10 influential atheists who've shaped our understanding of atheism and left an indelible mark on history. 1. Epicurus (341–270 BCE) Starting our list is none other than the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus. While not an atheist in the modern sense, his ideas laid the groundwork f ..read more
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A Very Quick and Quite Silly History of Atheism
Godless Mom Blog
by Courtney Heard
8M ago
Which came first, the gods or the lack of belief? Just how far does atheism go back? There's really no way to know which human in history was the first to live without belief in deities, but that's not going to stop us from glancing back at atheism throughout human history. It all started back with the Flintstones. 1. The Ancient "Wait, What Are Gods?" Era Back in the really old days (and I mean, 'writing on cave walls was the new Twitter' old), humans were just figuring out fire and the wheel. Amidst all this, a few brave souls were probably too busy surviving to even think about deities. Ath ..read more
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