Rockstar Math Teacher
Rockstar Math Teacher is the 8th Grade Common Core middle school math teacher. Subscribe to this blog and get the latest updates.
Rockstar Math Teacher
4y ago
At the beginning of the summer, we received a return plan for the fall which was a "Hybrid" Learning schedule. In this "Hybrid" schedule, students would be in A and B blocks (half the students in each class would be in the A block and half would be in the B block). The days were split into even and odd periods. In this plan, students would be coming to school once a week for 80 minute blocks in each class.... This year I will have 180 students..... I would essentially see each of my students once a week for 80 minutes. The rest of the time they would be doing virtual le more
Rockstar Math Teacher
4y ago
I can't believe we are still in this nightmare that started in March... I know I am not alone in my experience with all that has happened with schools, teaching and COVID-19. I am still trying to come to grips with the sudden changes last school year and the loss of so many experiences with last year's students ... "Just like that". :o(
I remember back to that weekend in March. I spent the weekend planning all of my lessons and was ready for the week. Students were supposed to be taking a benchmark. I was excited to see how much they had learned. Then Sunday of that weekend more