Radically Christian
My name is Wes McAdams. I am a preacher and blogger striving to encourage those who are tired of religious confusion and division to walk by faith in simple and pure devotion to Christ.
Radically Christian
1M ago
In this episode of the Radically Christian Bible Study Podcast, Wes McAdams and Marcus Stenson tackle the crucial topic of discipleship and how to create a disciple-making church culture ..read more
Radically Christian
2M ago
A Christian Response to a Racialized Culture. Race and ethnicity are words we should not use interchangeably. “Ethnicity,” I believe, is a concept Christians should embrace, while “race” is a concept Christians should reject and resist. We also need to recognize the very real damage the concept of race has done. Here is why this distinction matters and what Christians can do about it ..read more