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Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Access Basics How do I Create an Application in Microsoft Access? How Do I Convert A Macro to VBA Code? How Do I Configure My Access Database Start Up? How Do I Bypass Start Up Options? How do I run a macro or code when the database first starts? How Do I Turn Off Compact On Close and Name Auto Correct in Access on Start Up? How Do I Disable Layout View for Forms and Reports at Start Up? How Do I Maximize an Access Database at Start Up? How Do I Minimize the Ribbon In Access at Start Up? How Do I Minimize the Access Navigation Pane on Start Up? Can I Create an EXE from my Access Application ..read more
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Portland Access User Group Conference  Septem...
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Portland Access User Group Conference  September 28-30, 2019 The PAUG Database Designer International conference brings together a wide range of Access developers, consultants, power users and Access enthusiasts. This marks the 21st anniversary of the conference. We will once again be returning to the peaceful and natural surroundings of the Conference Center at Silver Falls State Park, which lends itself to a climate that fosters learning, creativity, and socializing.  Aggregate_Function_Tricks.zip ..read more
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Domain Function Builder
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Application to help build domain functions including: Correctly formatted Criteria DMax Sequential numbering Numbered Query Running Sum Query Rolling Average Query Difference Between Query Infer End-Date Query You can download the file here:DomainFunctionBuilder_BetaV1-1.zip ..read more
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How Do I Turn Off Compact On Close and Name Auto Correct in Access on Start Up?
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Create a function called SetMyOptions() Function SetMyOptions() 'turn off Compact On Close     Application.SetOption "Auto compact", False 'turn off Name Auto Correct     Application.SetOption "perform name autocorrect", False End Function Run this function in an AutoExec macro. How do I run a macro or code when the database starts ..read more
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How Do I Disable Layout View for Forms and Reports in Access at Start Up?
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Create a function called SetMyOptions() Function SetMyOptions() 'disable Layout View for forms and reports     Application.SetOption "DesignwithData", False End Function Run this function in an AutoExec macro. How do I run a macro or code when the database starts ..read more
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How Do I Maximize an Access Database at Start Up?
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Create a function called SetMyOptions() Function SetMyOptions() 'maximize Access     Application.SetOption "maximized", True End Function Run this function in an AutoExec macro. How do I run a macro or code when the database starts ..read more
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How Do I Minimize the Ribbon In Access at Start Up?
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Create a function called SetMyOptions() Function SetMyOptions() 'minimize Ribbon      If Not (CommandBars("Ribbon").Controls(1).Height < 100) Then         CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon"      End If End Function Run this function in an AutoExec macro. How do I run a macro or code when the database starts ..read more
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How Do I Minimize the Access Navigation Pane on Start Up?
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Create a function called SetMyOptions() Function SetMyOptions() 'Open Nav Pane collapsed     CurrentDb.Properties("Startupshowdbwindow") = False     SendKeys ("{F11}")     SendKeys ("{F11}") End Function Run this function in an AutoExec macro. How do I run a macro or code when the database starts ..read more
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The Design Process: The Customer Interview
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Of course I can.  I'm an expert ..read more
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How do I use Conditional Formatting in Access
Roger's Access Blog
by Roger Carlson
2y ago
Traditionally, conditional formatting in Access was accomplished through the use of VBA code.  If I wanted to change the format of a field based on it’s value, I’d do something like this to change the background color of the Balance field based on its value. Select Case Me!txtBal    Case Is < 2500       Me!txtBal.BackColor = vbWhite    Case Is < 5000       Me!txtBal.BackColor = vbGreen    Case Is < 7500       Me!txtBal.BackColor = vbYellow    Case Is >= 7500   ..read more
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