A food journal of approachable, health-focused recipes by award winning food writer Sara Forte.
6d ago
Less of my friends are having babies and needing deliverable meals these days, but there will always be something happening in life when it feels good to give someone a dinner off. I brought this to my sisters’ family last week, after they’ve had to make a sudden move from the Palisades due to the recent fires, and I thought I’d share it here. Not only is it deliverable, but we are running a soccer schedule lately where I don’t often have time to make dinner at dinner time. I am ubering to all the sports, and I need to come home to dinner mostly made, whether I have time earlier in the day or ..read more
3y ago
I always buy a bundle of bananas at the market, only 1 of 4 of us actually snacks on a banana, which leaves lots of moments of overripe bananas that are too ripe for snacking but perfect for baking. 4 of 4 like the baked goods with the bananas. You’re welcome for my elementary math equation proving it is in fact, worth buying the bananas.
These are my favorite sorts of treats to make for and with the kids. Everything mashes up in one bowl, they’re easy on the sugar, packs in a lunchbox and they are free of the glutens and dairy so any person that comes over with a dietary preference, has a sn ..read more
3y ago
She was sitting on the edge of the pool, waiting for her turn at swim lessons and was completely sausaged into her swimsuit. Her longer body stretching the length of the bathing suit so that the chest of it was too low and the straps looked stressed. Beautiful, tender, winter skin against that mustard yellow daisy print. Cleo waves at me, looking like such a… girl.
She turned six a few weeks ago and while we are dancing in the kitchen to the Encanto soundtrack and mixing up our “b’s” and “d’s” , our conversations are about friendships at school and what happens when you die. She is both little ..read more
3y ago
Fa la la la la! It’s baking season and this cake was a hit. Of course we all love cookies, and I have plenty of those on the list. My people love a breakfast sweet, and this has stood in for a simple dinner dessert on occasion as well. I know you all love to have a spread planned for holiday mornings, so hope this works for those of you gluten free folks. We always have sweet rolls, but I may double up this year since everyone liked this cake so much. I’ll say it again, like we do with the lemon loaf or banana bread, toasted for a few minutes for a bit of a crisp edge is lovely.
I have made m ..read more
3y ago
It has been a busy cookbook season! I spent last night reading through the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen Cookbook and am revisiting everything I have bookmarked in Aran’s Cannelle et Vanille Bakes Simple while it is rainy this week and we can work on some baking projects. If you eat gluten free, by need or choice, Aran is your gal. You may know her from her gf sourdough tutorials on instagram.
Aran is one of my favorite food people. Most importantly, she is a lovely and generous person. Just as humble and charming as her photos lead you to believe. Her photos are romantic, the recipes are clear and ..read more
3y ago
Dinner seems so hard sometimes. I cook for SKCC during the day, so we have wonderful lunches, and obviously there are leftovers, but that leaves me not following my own advice as far as having a plan for dinner most nights. Ironic isn’t it? I have plans for lunch, we rotate the same few things for breakfast, but why does everyone eat so often? I have so so many cookbooks, and always turn there when inspiration eludes me. I’ll add a short list here, should you need some new ideas yourself. My family is not vegetarian, but we try to eat vegetarian meals often. The list below (amazon affiliated ..read more
3y ago
I really wanted to push this as a smash cake idea, but I must tell you that in retesting, it is quite delicate. It is DELICIOUS, but she is not a sturdy, easy to frost cake. I’ll give it to you straight in case you have dreams of a Pinterest-worthy sprinkle dream cake. We’re using banana and maple here, and with the sweetness and tang of the frosting, it all balances to be quite the treat. I tested it with both maple and sugar, the prior resulting in a more damp cake, and certainly less sweet, and the later a bit more traditional (and easier to frost). It gets sweetness from over ripe bananas ..read more
3y ago
It used to be easier to write here. I like imagining who I am writing to and I’ve lost some of that here. I thought Instagram was a more effective place to share, but that place changed for me, as well. So, I want to be back here like I used to be. Every week if I can, which may be lofty, but I’m going to try. Writing about life or nothing, and sharing something that I made with you all. Perhaps not always a meal, even just a dressing we liked or something from a cookbook I’m enjoying. Would love to engage with you all. I just feel like there are almost too many ways now, and I need to keep s ..read more
4y ago
I love love Trader Joes Zhoug sauce and we use it often, but I’m trying to reduce our single use packaging, and this is way better anyway. I finally have notes down so we can make and gift it on our own. I have written about 3 dozen green sauce-ish recipes here, SK Cooking Club etc. - each a little bit different. This one, heavy on the heat and herbs, and a few warm spices. Because it is so warm, I think of it like a concentrate instead of just straight up (ie. putting a dollop in salad dressing or mashing with avocado). Adding just a pinch of sugar and squeeze of lime to balance it. Zhoug is ..read more
4y ago
May is a big month for us. It is busy and exciting and expensive because there are a bundle of birthdays (around 10 between our two families!) and Mother’s Day and our school year will be ending and while it has felt like Spring for a while here, May sets it straight. Strawberries and sunshine and bursting gardens and longer light. More so than a new calendar year, in May I feel a pull to write and remember and make goals and take stock of how I am spending my time - to both focus in and cast out a wider net for what could be. A New Years of sorts.
I think it’s many of us, but for working mom ..read more