Pointing you to my Wordpress blog at the-end-time.org
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata See you at the-end-time.org I've had this blog for 11 1/2 years. I've written on it every day. There are over 5000 essays here. My personal blog has been going for 14 years. I am very attached to my blog. When Wordpress came along I added a blog there too, in case this one was suspended by Blogger. I don't own the content on blogger, Blogger owns it. They can shut down the blog without notice for any reason. In these perilous thought-times, this is happening more and more. So I thought it'd be a good idea to have a mirror blog at Wordpress. That means I've been posting h ..read more
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Jesus drank the waters of fury
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata God rebuked sinful man. His anger was higher than the mountains, deeper than the lowest valley. He covered the planet with His wrath, in the flood. The waters were high, deep, angry, and overspread all that existed. All. All that water was God's wrath for sin. He enshrounded the earth with judgment, covering it with water as a garment. (Psalm 104:6). His water was the judgment robe that spread over the earth as a mantle. And it was all that amount of wrath that Jesus took on the cross. All that, and more. The flood judgment was against those living on the earth then, but ..read more
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Is your 'check engine' light on?
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata All humans are sinners. Some are saved by grace, and others aren't. But all humans have the same mechanism to help restrain sin in their lives: the conscience. Our conscience is part of a person's internal rational capacity and is not, as popular lore sometimes suggests, an audience room for the voice of God or of the devil. Conscience is a critical inner awareness that bears witness to the norms and values we recognize and apply. ~Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Conscience As an unsaved person I'd often wonder why it was that everyone knows not to mur ..read more
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Kay Cude poetry: Joy
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata Here is a scripture photo containing scripture against a beautiful photo, with poetry by a friend named Kay Cude. I like her art and she gave me permission to publish some of her poetic scripture art. Click to enlarge. Please enjoy ..read more
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Independence Day in the US today, but a future freedom awaits
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata* For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; (Philippians 3:20) Charles Spurgeon preached on this verse: Citizenship in heaven Our text, I think, might be best translated thus— “Our citizenship is in heaven.” The French translation renders it, “As for us, our burgess-ship is in the heavens.” Doddridge paraphrases it, “But we converse as citizens of heaven, considering ourselves as denizens of the New Jerusalem, and only strangers and pilgrims upon earth.” I. The first idea which is suggested by the verse under co ..read more
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Prata Potpourri: Music Edition!
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata I don't know about you, but I love music. Since I converted my tastes run to to Christian music, my favorite is Southern Gospel quartets and hillbilly bluegrass. I enjoy classical, too. If I listen to secular music my tastes run to '70s artists like Paul Simon and other soft rock. GotQuestions gives some Christian principles on whether or not to listen to secular music. My mother loved classical music and would put that on first thing while she was making her coffee, and have it on all day I grew up on Beethoven and Mozart, and I'm glad, because I like classical music now ..read more
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Of gnats and camels
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata We see a lot of professing Christians decrying cultural gnats while failing to strain out camels. They are like the Pharisees that Jesus accused in Matthew 23:24, foaming at the mouth with the smaller uncleanliness while ignoring the greater: "You blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel." Both gnats and camels were deemed unclean, (Leviticus 11:4, 23) yet the Pharisees' excessive focus on gnats to the exclusion of camels is warned against, due to resulting hypocrisy. I found Matthew Henry's explanation compelling here, beczuse he gives great examples ..read more
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The word of God is living
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata To the Christian, the word of God is like a green lawn, undulating, rolling out blade after blade of perfectly manicured grass, thriving and living, each blade a perfect truth to be discovered, examined, applied, praised. For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12). Underline is mine, it's what I'm focusing on in this essay. To the non-Christian, the Bible is a dead letter. It can be ignored, dug ..read more
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The cost of rejecting Jesus
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata It's vacation week for much of America. I'm going to go a little easy myself this week and get a bunch of reading done. I thought for this week I'd bring forward some of the early essays I wrote. With 5,200 essays written here since 2009, there are some you may have missed, lol. You can see my heart even since the earliest days of this blog. This one comes from November 2012. The Bible is full of examples of people given time to repent but they refused. One that comes to mind is in Jeremiah 5: "O LORD, do not your eyes look for truth? You have struck them down, bu ..read more
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Who do you want to meet?
The End Time
4y ago
By Elizabeth Prata Our busy days can get so fraught with things of this world, by necessity (kids, meetings, laundry, shopping, appointments, practices, etc) that when we read the Bible we can forget that the people we are reading about had the same kind of lives. They were real people and most of them that we read in the pages of scripture were believers. And since they are believers, we will meet them in heaven. They might have dropped off the pages of the Bible but they lived, died, and were brought to the presence of Jesus. Their lives are still going. When we get there, we will meet them ..read more
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