We are the South Asia Archive & Library Group, representatives of libraries, archives, and other institutions in the United Kingdom with some degree of specialization in South Asian Studies.
8M ago
The SAALG Summer meeting will take place on Wednesday, 19th of June at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.
Address: Marston Rd, Headington, Oxford OX3 0EE
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Welcome
11:05 Dr Jennifer Howes - Imperator: The British Library's statue of Robert Clive
11:50 Tour of OCIS by Ms Wassilena Sekulova, Librarian
12:30-13:40 Lunch
13:45 Mr Shankara Angadi - Revelations from the Thomas Munro private papers
14:30 Dr Arunima Datta - South Asian travelling ayahs in Britain: A story of waiting and negotiations (virtual presentation)
15:15 Refreshments
15:45 Business m ..read more
1y ago
The SAALG Autumn Meeting will take place on Monday, 30. October 2023, at the SOAS Library.
Address: 10 Thornhaugh St, London WC1H 0XG
Planning your Visit: https://soas.libguides.com/c.php?g=704580
A charge of £20 is levied for attendance, luncheon and beverages.
There is an ATM located in the SOAS main building.
RSVP Hedley Sutton - hedley.sutton@bl.uk
10.30—11.00 Welcome & Registration (beverages provided)
Burzine Waghmar, SOAS Library
11.00—11.40 Arthur Arberry (1905-69): An everyman orientalist
Burzine Waghmar, SOAS Library
11.4 ..read more
2y ago
The South Asia Archive and Library Group Summer gathering will take place on Thursday, 8 September 2022 at the Ancient India & Iran Trust.
Address: 23 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge CB2 8BG (view on Google maps)
The charge will be £15 per person (in cash or cheque on the day).
Places limited; please e-mail antonia.moon@bl.uk if you intend to come.
Arrival and coffee, 11.30 – 11.40
11.40 – 11.45
Ursula Sims-Williams, Ancient India & Iran Trust
11.45 – 12.15
Some Collections at the Ancient India & Iran Trust
Joanna Salisb ..read more
4y ago
Exciting news: The British Library has advertised a new permanent post - Head of South Asian Collections.
The post will also be advertised on external websites (The Guardian, jobs.ac.uk etc.) today but you can find all details on our website
The deadline for applications is 14 June 2021.
The successful candidate will join the Asian and African Collections Department and will lead the South Asia team in developing, managing and promoting the collection o ..read more
5y ago
31 January 2020, at the British Library, London NW1 2DB
13.25: Welcome & introduction Hedley Sutton & Antonia Moon, British Library
13.30 - 14.10: ‘The Endangered Archives Programme: some examples from South Asia’ Graham Jevon, British Library
14.10 - 14.50: ‘The Two Centuries of Indian Print Project’ Alia Carter & Priyanka Basu, British Library
14.50 - 15.30: ‘The British Library’s 2019-2020 Buddhism Exhibition’ Jana Igunma, British Library
15.30 - 16.00 Refreshment ..read more
5y ago
This post by Dr John Cardwell first appeared in Cambridge University Library's Special Collections blog, 6th December 2019. It has proved impossible to maintain the original layout and formatting. Royal Tour of India, 1905-1906, RCMS 89_35_2_35The Royal Commonwealth Society department has digitised a fascinating series of scrapbooks documenting the Royal Visit to India in 1905-06 by the Prince and Princess of Wales, the future King George V and Queen Mary. Princess Mary possessed considerable intellectual curiosity, and as soon as the visit was announced, she began rigorous, systematic study ..read more
5y ago
Do hope to see you in Cambridge University Library on Saturday morning, 26th October 2019 - a drop-in event (no need to book) which is part of the Festival of Ideas. Between 10 am and 12.30 pm in the Library's Map Room, you will be able to view spectacular photographs and water-colours, and study fascinating maps and panoramas charting enormous changes to Mumbai and Hong Kong landscapes.Subscribe to SAALG Blog by Email ..read more
6y ago
Cambridge University Library will be the venue for our summer meeting this year, and we will be viewing South Asian material from the Royal Commonwealth Society's Fisher and COVIC archives, as well as rare maps and plans from the University Library's Map Department. Follow links for information on the Fisher photograph collection, and the Papers of the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee. Sabrina Meneghini will share some of her research. Do read her blog posts of 19 January 2018 and 12 April 2018. We will be hosting a larger exhibition of work from this archive entitled 'Classro ..read more
6y ago
The John Rylands Research Institute wishes to appoint a Research Associate to work on the University of Manchester’s world-class Persian Manuscript Collection. The successful candidate is expected to hold a Ph.D. in Persianate studies or a related area, ideally dealing with Persian book culture, possess an excellent command of Persian and Arabic and have extensive experience of cataloguing manuscripts in Persian scripts. For more information and to apply see: https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=17380Subscribe to SAALG Blog by Email ..read more
6y ago
Interested in Indian vernaculars, Persian, Sanskrit? In the relations between various yogic traditions? Then please have a look at the newly released Early Modern India: Literatures and Images, Texts and Languages, edited by Maya Burger and Nadia Cattoni. This book presents recent scholarly research on one of the most important literary and historical periods of the Early Modern era from a wide range of approaches and perspectives. It contains a selection of contributions presented at the 12th International Conference on Early Modern Literatures of North India which provide fresh and new ..read more