Types of Organic Molecules in Your Body
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
16h ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: Organic molecules are compounds found in, or produced by living things. Each molecule contains two or more elements, including carbon. Carbon has four valence electrons and is able to bond with other elements that can contribute another four electrons to complete its outer shell. Carbon atoms can form long chains, or carbon backbones as a base for a variety of organic molecules. Carbon's ability to bond with itself and other elements, allow it to form complex molecules necessary for life, such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates ar ..read more
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How Peripheral Neuropathy Affects the Body
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
1w ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: Peripheral neuropathy refers to damage to your peripheral nerves. It can be caused by different diseases or injury. The main parts of your nervous system include: the central nervous system, or CNS, made up of your brain and spinal cord; and the peripheral nervous system, or PNS, made up of: a special class of twelve paired nerves that branch off of your brain and brainstem, called cranial nerves, to supply areas of your head, face, and neck; and paired spinal nerves that branch off your spinal cord to supply the rest of your body. Your peripheral nerves, includin ..read more
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How Spinal Cord Injuries are Classified
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
2w ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: The spinal cord begins at the brainstem, exits the skull through the foramen magnum, and extends to the first lumbar vertebra, divided into cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions. The spinal cord gives rise to pairs of spinal nerves that supply sensory and motor function to the body. The cauda equina, made up of lumbar and sacral spinal nerves, extends through the vertebral canal from L2 to S5. The spinal cord is composed of gray matter and white matter. Gray matter contains nerve cell bodies, dendrites, and the proximal parts of axons. White matter contai ..read more
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Surgery to Remove Your Gallbladder (Open Cholecystectomy)
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
1M ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: An open cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure to remove your gallbladder through a large incision in your abdomen. Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped pouch underneath your liver. Your liver and gallbladder have small tubes coming out of them called ducts. These ducts merged together into one large duct that attaches to your small intestine. Your liver makes bile, a fluid that breaks down fat in food you eat. Between meals, most bile flows through the ducts into your gallbladder and is stored there. When you're eating fatty food, your gallbladder contracts to rele ..read more
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Acidosis: When Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Build Up in Your Body
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
1M ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: Acid-base balance is the precise maintenance of the hydrogen ion concentration in blood and tissue fluids so the body will function properly. This concentration of hydrogen in body fluids is called pH, and the acidity or alkalinity of the fluid is expressed as a pH value. Normal blood pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. Metabolic processes constantly release acids which freely release hydrogen ions resulting in increased acidity and lower blood pH. In response, the body can use chemical buffers such as bases to neutralize the acids and physiological buffers to facilitate ..read more
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How Nerves Communicate Within Your Body
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
1M ago
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: A typical neuron consists of a cell body, plasma membrane extensions called dendrites, an elongated fiber known as an axon, and an axon hillock, the trigger zone that releases a nerve impulse. The axon hillock maintains an excitation limit, or threshold, which determines whether or not a neuron will generate a nerve impulse. A nerve impulse is an electrical signal conducted by a neuron, causing a response in another neuron or target cell. When a neuron is at rest, its membrane is polarized because there are more positive ions outside the cell and more negative ion ..read more
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Back Surgery: Lumbar Disc Replacement
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
1M ago
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QRx: A Revolutionary, New Patient Education Platform from Nucleus | Sign Up for a Free Pilot Today!
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by Nucleus Medical Media
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How Your Body Creates Proteins
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
2M ago
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Overview of Heart Failure and Common Treatment Options
Nucleus Medical Media
by Nucleus Medical Media
2M ago
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