Hiring Usually Sucks – But It Doesn’t Have To. Here’s How To Hire For Happiness!
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
2M ago
Many workplaces are stuck in a vicious cycle: Recruitment is rushed and haphazard so the workplace is unhappy so more people quit so they have to recruit even faster. We need to break this cycle. I’ve had the privilege to visit and study a lot of the world’s happiest workplaces and one thing they all do really well is hiring. They take hiring very seriously and put a lot of effort into bringing in the right people and (equally important) keeping out the wrong ones. In our recent webinar, we showed exactly how workplaces can hire for happiness, including: The top mistakes companies make w ..read more
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2 SUPER Interesting Webinars Coming Up
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
3M ago
We have two super interesting free webinars on happiness at work in May: May 8: How To Hire For Happiness May 22: How To Train Your Boss To Give Recognition As always, they’re going to be short, snappy, fun and action-oriented. Read more and sign up here ..read more
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The Science Of Happiness At Work Is SO COOL
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
3M ago
For the first time in human history we have actual research and data on what makes people happier and more successful in life and at work. It would be almost criminally stupid not to study this research and apply it in out workplaces. Sadly, many workplaces are blind to all of these studies and consequently, they waste so much time and money on well-being initiatives that are doomed to fail. Watch our 30-minute webinar and learn the 5 most important findings from the happiness research that are relevant for workplaces. Topics include: The top 5 findings from positive psychology that are ..read more
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Proof That Happy Companies Make More Money
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
3M ago
Do you know exactly why happy workplaces get better results? This is such an important issue because knowing this is what drives workplaces to take happiness seriously and make employee wellbeing a strategic priority. In our 30-minute webinar last week we showed exactly what a company gets out of focusing on happiness at work and how you can use that knowledge to make it a priority in your workplace. We’ve shared the full webinar here along with additional materials, including the slides and links to related articles and books. Feel free to share this with others who would be intere ..read more
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Free Webinar: The Business Benefits Of Employee Happiness
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
4M ago
I think we all know that happy companies get better results but why exactly is that? Let’s look at the research and figure that out. The answer may not be what you think and it may change depending on the culture, the industry or the specific situation of the company. Knowing exactly why happiness at work will boost your company’s results is crucial because that knowledge will motivate leadership to do something to make employees happier and keep them committed to the process. Join this FREE webinar and learn all about: Exactly how happy employees boost the bottom line according to studies H ..read more
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Introducing: The Chief Happiness Officer Newsletter
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
4M ago
I have just launched a brand new newsletter about happiness at work on substack. I will be sharing 20 years of research and experience to give you the knowledge and tools you need to build happier and more successful workplaces. It’s all going to be science-based, practical and fun. We’re also going to poke the bear and debunk some of the worst career advice and most toxic management ideas. You can read more here on what updates are coming and if you have any suggestions for topics I’d love to hear from you. Go ahead and subscribe – it’s free ..read more
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Free Webinar March 26: How To Build A Culture Of Positive Feedback
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
4M ago
Studies show that receiving positive feedback at work makes us happier, less stressed and more productive. In our opinion, it’s one of the most effective tools to make a workplace better. But it’s also sorely lacking from most workplaces. In our study of what makes people unhappy at work, a lack of praise and recognition was one of the major causes. Join this FREE* webinar and learn all about: The science behind positive feedback How to most effectively give positive feedback Pitfalls to avoid, including why rewards and bonuses often backfire Great examples of workplaces who have b ..read more
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How To Make Your Workplace Happier By Making The World Better
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
4M ago
Many workplaces now realize that happy employees are great for the bottom line and are trying to act accordingly, but they keep making one fundamental mistake: They try to make their employees happier by doing things for them. But as we know from positive psychology we are actually happier when we get to do things for others. That’s a crucial insight but how exactly can your workplace apply it? Club Need is a fantastic new concept started by Calvin Johnson that helps organizations find ways to do good in the world by matching them with specific volunteering or charity opportunities. In this ..read more
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Yoga Classes And Stress Trainings Do NOTHING For Employees! Here’s Why – And What Companies Should Do Instead.
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
5M ago
A fascinating brand new study by William Fleming shows that sending employees off to yoga classes, mindfulness lessons or stress management trainings has NO positive effects. In some cases it actually backfires and makes things worse. That’s a shame because companies keep focusing on these individual-level interventions in their attempts to make employees less stressed and more happy and motivated at work. Which is not only a waste of time and money but also distracts companies from doing things that actually do work. In this video I talk to Dr. Louise Lambert about the study. We cover: What ..read more
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Leading With Happiness in Kuwait
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
by Alexander
9M ago
I just returned from speaking at The Happiness Effect conference in Kuwait. I was blown away by the whole event and especially by the organizers from Algas Events who were very organized and incredibly generous and hospitable. The highlight for me was to reconnect with my friends Maja Neducic and Louise Lambert and see them shine on stage. Louise updated everyone on the latest research on happiness at work and Maja talked about the amazing culture at Vega It. I love how much of a focus there is on happiness at work in the region and I hope my talks gave the participating organizations some ide ..read more
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