LeaderChat is a Forum to Discuss Leadership and Management Issues. The Ken Blanchard Companies is the global leader in management training. LeaderChat develop dynamic, human-powered learning experiences that enable leaders at every level to become the ultimate agents of progress and transformation.
5d ago
Dear Madeleine, I work in communications in a multi-national, publicly owned company. I report to our CHRO with a dotted line to marketing. My job is to make sure our messaging is consistent across all our countries. Our CEO and his executive team recently rolled out a complex strategic vision for the next five years ..read more
1w ago
Dear Madeleine, I took some business and leadership courses in college and graduated with a degree in accounting. Last spring I got a job in the finance department of a mid-sized manufacturing company. I like the work and I am learning practical stuff. What surprises me most is just how bad the management is. Not ..read more
2w ago
Dear Madeleine, I was recently promoted from team lead to manager of a whole department. I am very good at the processes and systems piece, but worry that I am lacking the leadership piece. I have a ton of books and have taken several courses, but now I am overwhelmed. If I were to work ..read more
3w ago
Dear Madeleine, It’s the new year. All my friends and colleagues are talking about New Year’s resolutions. I got nothin’. I am plugging away at my work goals, but they don’t change much. I like my job. I am good at it. I am not gunning for a promotion. I go to the gym and ..read more
1M ago
2024 was certainly a time of change. Readers of Madeleine’s Advice for the Well-Intentioned Manager continued to adapt, grow, and improve their skills to bring out the best in others. From navigating hybrid work complexities to tackling burnout, Madeleine’s insight and practical advice made the road a little easier. Here is a countdown of this ..read more
1M ago
Dear Madeleine, I run a commercial retail real estate firm in a big city in the Midwest. We have some seasoned senior brokers, all of whom have done well working with junior brokers, training them while also benefiting from their help. The model has worked really well, except in the case of one senior broker ..read more
1M ago
Dear Madeleine, I manage a regional business unit for a global supply chain company. During the Covid lockdown everyone went remote, and the organization got rid of the office we had. I like working remotely. And it works well for my team for all the reasons people state: no one misses the commute, there’s much ..read more
2M ago
Dear Madeleine, I am in a quandary. It may sound dumb to you, but I am interested to hear your thoughts. I am in my mid-twenties and have been blessed with what seems to be almost incredible luck. I am smart enough, and came wired with a lot of stamina, a strong work ethic, a ..read more
2M ago
Dear Madeleine, I manage a global team of extremely talented scientists. It is clear how the work we do benefits our organization. I got a new boss about nine months ago, and I’m pretty sure my unit was the only one that wasn’t a dumpster fire. I have been left completely to my own devices ..read more
2M ago
Dear Madeleine, I am a supervisor and team leader in a technology company. We have several products on the market that are doing well. All my projects are in new products—a combination of market research and product testing; and all my teams are cross-functional—project management, software developers, marketing and customer support, and designers. The timelines ..read more