McKinsey & Company
McKinsey & Company is the trusted advisor and counselor to many of the world's most influential businesses and institutions. We help our clients make lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. Get our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management.
McKinsey & Company
22h ago
Sophisticated deposit management can help banks lower funding costs, improve liquidity, enhance customer loyalty, and boost margins ..read more
McKinsey & Company
1d ago
Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize strategy activities. But as AI adoption spreads, strategists will need proprietary data, creativity, and new skills to develop unique options ..read more
McKinsey & Company
2d ago
The co-founder and CEO of an Indonesian healthtech is simplifying and enabling healthcare access in the world’s fourth most populous country ..read more
McKinsey & Company
2d ago
Collectible cars have inspired generations of enthusiasts and collectors. Their growing appeal translates into new opportunities along the entire automotive value chain ..read more
McKinsey & Company
2d ago
Agriculture equipment manufacturer AGCO worked with McKinsey to automate decarbonization cost curve building and planning efforts using the Catalyst Zero tool ..read more
McKinsey & Company
2d ago
Ryan Rippel, founding director of the Gates Foundation’s Economic Mobility and Opportunity Strategy, talks about helping people in poverty move up the economic ladder ..read more
McKinsey & Company
2d ago
Sharpen your problem-solving skills the McKinsey way, with our weekly crossword. Each puzzle is created with the McKinsey audience in mind, and includes a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) business theme for you to find. Answers that are directionally correct may not cut it if you’re looking for a quick win ..read more
McKinsey & Company
4d ago
Declines in residential solar markets have been a hit to the industry—but its foundation is strong ..read more
McKinsey & Company
4d ago
As the continent’s influence on the world stage grows, Asian companies have a unique opportunity to lead that progress. Here’s how ..read more
McKinsey & Company
4d ago
Turning cloud cost principles and policies into code that’s integrated into the engineering process could generate almost $120 billion in value ..read more